10/22 aftermarket barrels....


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I told a buddy I'd do some research for him. He's going to trick out his 10/22, has picked out his stock, now he's looking for bull barrels, then he plans on redoing the guts. He's wanting to know if Green Mtn. or Butler Creek has better barrels, or if they're any good at all. We were looking online, and there are so many different manufacturers it's not even funny! He was just going to order a Green Mtn. from Cabela's but found some cheaper elsewhere. Any recommendations on where to buy a barrel? Thanks!

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Re: 10/22 aftermarket barrels....

It all depends on what he is after. you can go as mild or as wild as you want to spend. How accurate do you want the gun to be? You said he wants to swap the guts, your gunsmith can get a perfectly acceptable 2# trigger using stock parts. Drill and tap the trigger face to accept a set screw for overtravel and you are on your way to a sweet gun. Have the bolt face milled to .0425" headspace, get a good crown job, and you have a good shooting gun.

I have a couple guns with Midway barrels on them. One is a blued chrome moly sporter barrel and the other is the fluted stainless heavy barrel. I have posted pics of them before but here they are again:


I have built a half dozen other 10/22 guns with various barrels and these guns will shoot with the Shilen barreled guns I did. I have not used a Green Mountian barrel. I did one B.C. barreled gun and it was ok. One place that does great work on 10/22 guns is Connecticut Precision Chambering They can make a factory barreled gun shoot like a custom gun.

One thing to remember with 10/22 guns is you do not bed the receiver and float the barrel. The aluminum receiver is not strong enough to support a heavy barrel. Best results are had by bedding the barrel and the pad where the action screw is located. The rest of the receiver can float.

I like Power Custom one piece mount that uses 4 screws in the receiver and 2 screws in the barrel that have to be drilled and tapped. It makes the juncture between the barrel and the receiver stiffer.

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Re: 10/22 aftermarket barrels....

Wow AJ....that is deep. grin.gif Glad you told me about not floating the barrel. We were going to bed the action and float the barrel. I'll let him know about the trigger as well...I'm sure he likes his money as much as I do. grin.gif Seen those pics before, but they're still pretty slick!! He's kinda got me in the mood to customize a 10/22, but I'll see how his goes and see if I can rustle up some dough this summer. wink.gif Thanks again AJ... wink.gif

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