Unusual shoulder mounts

Guest MarylandQDMA

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Guest MarylandQDMA

I’m going to take my 8pt to the taxidermist sometime in the next few months (when money allows). Any how, I have the basic mounts on the wall now, 0ne upright and two semi sneaks (one with a hard turn to the left). I want something different, maybe a full sneak. But don’t know how I want his ears or face (head) positioned. I’d love to see some of your mounts, the unusual and basic.

I was thinking having the buck mounted as if he were sent checking a doe or summing in to another buck to fight, ears pined back. But I can’t decide, so any photos you want to share please do. Also if you know of a good site that has photos of unusual shoulder mounts please post.

here is a photo of the buck:




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Re: Unusual shoulder mounts

Check this site out....... hunt101

You can also go to google.com, click on "photos" and type in "taxiodermy" or "shoulder mounts" or something like that and see what it comes up with. I got a couple good ones at the taxidermist right now but wont have pictures for ya until they are done!!

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Guest Michelles_Taxidermy

Re: Unusual shoulder mounts

First off if you get a full sneek Don't get the ears forward. Get them laid back. That is their natural position. They can put their ears forward, I'm not saying they can't but the majority of the time when you see a deer sneeking through the woods with his head down which way does he have his ears? Laid Back ! ! !

If you are looking for an aggresive look to your deer like he is staring down another deer or getting ready to fight. Get the Semi-Sneek 64D Head Down (McKenzie Form). Get the eye's layed back with white banded eyes. This forms makes the back tines look longer and with the ears laid back it makes the rack look wider.

Now for a deer checking scent. I suggest a Semi-Sneek Head Up ( McKenzie Form). With an upper lip curl. Eye's don't realy matter because the deer will/should only have them about 3/4 to 1/2 the way open so the whites of the eyes won't be showing.. He should be squinting.

Their is also a form called a Wall Pedastal . It sits almost side ways on the wall and shows a lot of shoulder on one side. It has a turn but also looks to the center of the room. It looses no charecter in the turn aspect. You can also put a lip curl on this but it is not my first choice for an aggressive look. I am supposed to be mounting a Doe wall ped. tomarrow or sometime this week so if I remember i will post a pic so you can get an idea...

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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: Unusual shoulder mounts


If you are looking for an aggresive look to your deer like he is staring down another deer or getting ready to fight. Get the Semi-Sneek 64D Head Down (McKenzie Form). Get the eye's layed back with white banded eyes. This forms makes the back tines look longer and with the ears laid back it makes the rack look wider.

I am supposed to be mounting a Doe wall ped. tomarrow or sometime this week so if I remember i will post a pic so you can get an idea...

[/ QUOTE ]

in your first example can the deer be mounted in a full sneek with the semi-sneek head? if not what can be done with a full sneek that would make in unusual? do you have any photos of a mount like that?

look forward to seeing the doe.

on another note, you can see I shot this deer in the snow, what options are out there for snow? should I be woried about dust mixing with the snow?


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Guest Michelles_Taxidermy

Re: Unusual shoulder mounts

When you say you want something unusual you are talking about more $$. An open mouth is going to run you atleast $150 extra. Any kinda modification to the form is going to cost ya too.

Putting a Semi-Sneek head on a Full-Sneek body is not going to make the deer look any different. A head is a head.

What exactly are you looking for any way? Tell ya what go to www.taxidermy.net. Than click on Taxidermist Web Pages and look through their photo gallery. That should give you some ideas...

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