The Deer are gone


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I've been out hunting two days in a row and have seen nothing. I been stand hunting for 2 years in the same spot and seeing 5-10 deer almost every time I've gone out. I got out of my stand yeaterday and walked the whole property 4 times. I think I probibly walked 5 miles or more. There are tracks everywhere, but they are all at least a week old. There is a group of "dog hunters" or as I like to call them "worthless lazy pochers who sit on the side of the road and shoot worn out deer that have been run to death all day". They have been running the dogs sence Oct. 1 and I think all the deer have just been run off. The law says they can run the dogs untill Dec. 31. There just doesn't seem to be any point in even hunting there.

This is the family who poched the 8pt last night. The father bragged to my neighbor about killing 11 deer last year. The limit is 3. Today I found a hide and head from a spike that was killed, probibly this morning. Spike aren't legal in Arkansas.

This is very disheartening.

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Re: The Deer are gone

I would turn them in also, especially if they may be ruining your hunts. We as ethical hunters work too hard to be outdone by poachers. Bring a cell phone next time, and have a game wardens number on speed dial. Coordinate with the game warden before hand so he could be on call. If you see them doing anything wrong, turn their a$$es in. And don't think twice. This is what I would do. You owe it to yourself and to the deer. I like to hunt but I would never kill a deer illegally, it's not fair!!!!!

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