I donated blood yesterday


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Well for the first time ever, I donated my precious blood yesterday. They had a blood drive on campus and something compelled me to do it, it is about the most daring and bravest thing I've done at college,lol grin.gif I found out it wasn't that bad really. Of course today I feel feel tired and drained; I'll have a burst of energy and then it's gone. Thankfully I don't have a basketball game until Tuesday wink.gifIt's nice though to think that I'll probably be helping someone somewhere. Does anyone know how long it takes for your body to regain a pint of blood? I'm assuming maybe a day or two or three?

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Re: I donated blood yesterday

I donated once too. I clotted the needle several, several times. Thy kept moving it back and forth under the skin to break the clot. About 20-minutes later the had 1/4 of a bag. I called it off. They argued but to no avail. That was enough.

I would give blood again for family/ friends, etc. But I dont bleed well and I probably will never again walk in for the heck of it.

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Re: I donated blood yesterday

I was a regular and faithful donor to the Red Cross until a couple of years ago.

I was working on my 4th gallon card when I stopped giving.

The American Red Cross has a duty to the recipients to make sure they are getting the quality blood the patient “pays” for.

Even though the blood is donated, the American Red Cross still charges the patient for the blood.

The blood is thoroughly tested, and disposed of if anything is wrong with it.

It seems, however; that the American Red Cross has no obligation to the donor.

As regularly as I donated, they could have informed me when they tested my blood and found that my white cell count was 7 times that of being normal.

Instead, I continued giving blood until it was discovered during a normal check-up with my doctor that I had CLL. I blame the American Red Cross for me not having an earlier diagnosis.

Now that I know that the American Red Cross just wants the blood, and does not care about the donor, I would not give any more even if I was able.

I should probably add also that during WWII, the American Red Cross was selling donuts and coffee to our brave soldiers, while the Salvation Army was giving it away.

In answer to your question…. You will be back to normal by this evening.


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Re: I donated blood yesterday

I need to start. They used to not have a central location around here until recently. You used to have to just show up wherever the blood mobile happened to be. I donated once about 6 years ago. I want to start to kind of continue the legacy of my Grandmother who passed away two and a half weeks ago. When I was growing up, she gave blood faithfully, not sure how many gallons she gave over the years, she was really upset when the cancer radiation and chemo treatments rendered her unable to give anymore. Her main comment when she found out she couldn't give anymore "What about the babies?" She was really upset that she couldn't donate anymore for the babies or whoever might have needed it.

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Re: I donated blood yesterday

Your blood volume, which is composed almost entirely of plasma (water) can be restored in a matter of hours if you focus on rehydrating. The red blood cells take approximately 3 weeks to fully regenerate, I believe. I also believe that the more often you donate blood, the faster you can replace those RBC's.

When I donate, I go thru a procedure where they actually take twice the RBC's in a normal donation of whole blood, but put all my plasma plus a little extra juice back in me on the spot. I am around 6 gallons donated in my life. I am O- so they love me. (Universal donor).


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Re: I donated blood yesterday

I donate every 50 somewhat days. Thats as fast as they'll let you go up here. And they are pretty prudent on whos blood they take and whos they dont. Everytime you donate there is both a blood and oral test (Have you lived in africa since 1977 for more than 3 months etc.) to determine if there are any impurities in your blood. I'm O+.... just not quite universal.

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Re: I donated blood yesterday

Wow Harv, I can see the frustration you have, what a pain. I know one girl I talked to wanted to donate but they said her iron was too low and she was underweight. I have to say getting stabbed in the finger to test iron level hurt more than the actual needle in the arm thing. They'd better not throw my blood out, I have no reason for it to be wasted,lol!

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Re: I donated blood yesterday

I lied about my age in high school so I could skip English and donate blood. grin.gifcrazy.gif

Well, after they drained my arm and gave me a cookie and some juice.....I tried to get off the gourney and......................hit the floor. Out cold.

blush.gifblush.gif LOL.

But hey.....I got out of class. cool.gif

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