John Edwards speaks at Mount Union


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Re: John Edwards speaks at Mount Union

Be careful, by agreeing that the former senator had some good things to say, you open yourself up for all sorts of torment on here, one of which being called a Marxist/Socialist/Communist, whichever is the most popular phrase to use at the time.

That being said, poverty is an issue that must be confronted in this country. Not everyone who is poor and impoverished is lazy and not wanting to help themselves. Regardless of what opponents may say, the poor are sometimes victims of their environment and surroundings, while others are poor because they are too lazy to find a job, get an education, or choose to be because they find it easier to accept a handout than take any responsibility in their lives. There are many people in this world who are as poor as dirt and refuse to accept a handout because they are too proud or feel ashamed. I have no problem helping those who do not wish to help themselves. Some are poor because they choose to be and want to blame everyone else for their plight, others are poor and trying to make their lives better for themselves and their family, and they just need a little extra push.

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Re: John Edwards speaks at Mount Union

Quote, by slugshooter in another post grin.gif


These were printed in a local community paper here in Fayetteville, NC called Up and Coming. The contributer is Alex Lekas who used to be a local news commentator. I thought they were pretty good so I figured I would retype them here.

Things you will never hear from:

Former Senator John Edwards: "Don't you love it when a multi-millionaire like me adopts poverty as his pet issue? At this point, I'll never worry about paying the bills again so I can pander to any group that is looking to someone else to solve the problems it either can't or won't solve itself."

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm a bad boy grin.gif

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Re: John Edwards speaks at Mount Union

Glad you don't agree with him and I'll refrain from reading it thanks. Edwards is as leftwing as you get, I would know since I'm from NC. He'll say anything to get a vote or get people on his side. Did ya'll know he was an ambulance chaser before his political career started. Not the most reputable man. JMO

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Re: John Edwards speaks at Mount Union

As a person who lives and works in the ghetto I'll just give you a quote I got from a graduating senior last year.

"Why should I get a job, I 'ready gettin a check fo my baby's from days daddys. I can have two mo and get checks fo dem too and get food stamps on all of em."

The proliferation of a poverty state. This girl was 18 and had 3 kids from 3 different guys. They know the system. I have heard of girst in the 6th grade getting pregnant on purpose so they can get "a check" on their baby.

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Re: John Edwards speaks at Mount Union

Not all of it is. I have a student who is probibly one of the brightest I've taught in 15 years. She wants to be a pediatrician and will probibly be one some day. But like most smart, black professionals, she'll probibly never set foot in that town once she makes it big.

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Re: John Edwards speaks at Mount Union

And why should she. So she can be guilt tripped into taking care of all the freeloaders who say they know her family? Why should she not want to go and be better than the people she was raised with? I bet she didn't have a parent or parents that told her she should just live off what Uncle Sam gives her.

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Re: John Edwards speaks at Mount Union

What I see here is that a lot of the black population truley do not know what the "good life" is. They never see it from each other and when they see it in a white person it's because that person was given more oppertunities than they were, not that they worked to better themselves.

The kids are amazed here when I tell them that I lived in a house with no electricity, phone or running water as a kid and even had to use an outhouse everyday.

They think anyone with a good job that is lower middle class or above has always been "rich".

One of the hardest things to get across to them is that hard work will get you somewhere. I keep telling them every day, maybe a few of them will believe it and get out of here.

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