Which should I get


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Me and some of my cousins are going to start doing some predator hunting and I am going to buy me a new gun just for the predator hunting.

Out of a 17HMR and a 22 hornet, which one would you recommend me getting. Any name brands would be great also, I have only looked at the 17 in Wal-Mart, but there is two gun shops here in town that I am going to check out also.

Or might just get real lucky and buy one of each, I need some more guns anyways grin.gif

Also what kind of scope should I get. I seen some scopes in a Cabelas magazine that had some little lights on top that looked like they would work or should I just use a regular scope because we will have spotlights with us.

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Re: Which should I get

I have to agree with OK. I love the .17 but it is really limited by range. If you have a chance, look at the .222 Rem while your at it. I just sold my Savage .222 and wish I didn't. Absolutely fantastic varmit round with tack driving accuracy.

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Guest holt525

Re: Which should I get

Yepp i love my .17 but its very limted range is a problem + knockdown power. I have 2 243.'s and love them to but the litle .12 bullet wont due the trick 4 knocking yote's down far away

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Re: Which should I get

Tonya, would you consider a .223 instead of the .17 or the Hornet? Ammo is cheap, easily found and there's a huge variety to choose from. If you've already decided to limit your choices to just those two, I'd choose the Hornet.

As to brands, I like Savage for a combination of quality and affordability. If money isn't an issue, get a Kimber or (my personal favorite) a clean used Winchester Model 43.

I don't like the little spotlights that mount on top of the scope. As long as there are two people there, let one run the handheld spotlight and the other do the shooting.

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Re: Which should I get

Thanks for the advice folks. I have 22-250 that was passed down to me from my grandpa and it has yet to let me down. Hadn't really considered a 223 or the 222, but I guess I will put them on the list to look at also.

I was considering the 17 and the 22 hornet, just because I know a few different people that all have one or the other and they really like they way they shoot. I was leaning more towards the hornet, just because it is a bigger bullet.

I think I will go look and price a few guns at the different gun shops around here tomorrow.

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Re: Which should I get

Well folks just got back from dropping off some money at the gun store up the road smile.gif

Ended up getting a Howa Model 1500 in 22-250 caliber. I will take some pictures of the gun this weekend and post them up. Now just have to wait until Saturday until I can shoot my new toy smile.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Which should I get


Tonya what was the cost of the HOWA that is a nice looking riffle.

[/ QUOTE ]

For the scope, gun and bore sighted I wrote a check for $962 tongue.gif. No complaints from me about the gun and after my cousin shot it a few times he is thinking about going and getting him one also smile.gif

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