Quartering-away Blootrail: Nonexistant??


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Just Saturday morning I shot a doe that was hard quartering away. Put it right behind the ribs, or right in front of the back leg, however you want to put it, and it exited at the opposite front shoulder. It turned out to be a great hit, but there was NO bloodtrail!! My arrow was covered in blood, my white wraps and fletchings turned 100% red, but after that, no blood!

Now, I was expecting little to no blood for the first 20 yards or so, but even where I found her, there was no blood. Luckily, I went to the last place I saw her and smelled her. She wasn't 40 yards past that point, but even at this point there was still no blood!!

What are your results with quartering-away shots??

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Re: Quartering-away Blootrail: Nonexistant??

It is pretty commen think about it...behind the rib cage your going to slice inot guts first, and then on into the opposite side lung /heart area, the buck i shot didnt bleed much, he was 1/4 away, my buddy shot a doe earlier this year that didnt bleed more than 2 drops over 100 yards only found her because of that white belly.

may not bleed buch but that shot will almost always get it done as long as the angle isnt too steep.

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Re: Quartering-away Blootrail: Nonexistant??

same thing happened to me last year on the 8 pointer I shot. quartering away entered just behind the last rib and exited about 3 inches behind the shoulder. Buck only went about 50 yards but I had no blood trail. I knew he wouldn't go far by lookin' at the arrow.

congrats on the doe


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