I need some support and Help......


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Sunday evening I got into the stand at 2 o'clock. The deer were moving like crazy.

At 4pm. I had a real nice buck come with in 15 yards from me.I settled my pin right behide his front leg. When I shot I didn't see my arrow. All I heard was a real loud "SMACK" When the deer bolted out of the area I watched and listened. I never heard a crash or nothing. Well at this time, 15 minutes went by. I started grathering up my stuff. I wanted to get to the ground and see if I counldn't find my arrow. I knew if I could get that arrow that would tell me alot.

By the time I got to the ground. I hear a whistle. Right away I knew it was Mike. and I'm thinking that he saw the buck go down...

Me and Mike are set up about 500 yards apart from one another. He said that he heard something coming up through the thicket and saw that it was a buck. A buck with my arrow in him. Mike said that the shot was high in the back.after running this over and over in my mind. The only thing that I can even come up with is that the arrow reflected off of a branch causeing it to hit him high in the back. Mike said that when the buck got behide a big tree he thought he would put another one in him. Well he did. He made a complete pass through on the buck.

We let the buck lay up for a good while before tracking.

Now here's what we saw.The blood is a real bright red in color.... The buck wasn't pumping alot of blood. We would find good blood for about 20 yards or so and then it would go down to drops and then to nothing and then start all over again....

We trailed this buck for a good mile. He went across a creek into a deep thicket. That's when we stopped and backed on out.

Now here's the bad news....

It's raining!!!!! mad.gif

I have the last place we saw blood flagged. So I am hoping and praying that I can get back over there this morning and find this buck.

Oh yeah. I found my arrow. My arrows are 28 inches long and from the looks of it. It was in him about 12 inches.....

Man what a nightmare.....

All I can do right now is keep my figners crossed and hope for the very best.....

If anyone has any advise. I can sure use some right now....

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Re: I need some support and Help......

If you can't find a blood trail, some things I've learned is that they will take the path of least resistance (in hills) or head towards water. But nothing is a definite with those critters. Good luck. I know how you feel........... frown.gif

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