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The bow is a Right Hand, 50-60lb draw bow with an 80% letoff 28.5" cam. This cam can be adjusted to 28" but will have 65% letoff. The bow has an axle to axle length of 31.5" and the brace height is just under 7 1/2". The specs and cam timing have not budged on this bow since I bought it.

I bought this bow new in mid-July and hunted this season with it. The bow is in mint condition. There are marks on the idler wheel (see pics) where I attatched the carabiner on my bow hoist rope. The string and cable are Zebra Tiger strings made of 452X with both the string and cable made up of DK Green and Black coloring. Both are in excellent condition. This bow was well taken care of. The bow maxes out at 63lbs.

The bow comes as you see it with the following accessories:

Tiger string and cable - Dk Green and Black

Trophy Taker Shakey Hunter Camo with long bar

Impact Archery Cosmic 3 pin sight

Sims Modular stabilizer

SVL Ultra Camo Limbsavers

Fletcher Tru Peep Max Hunter 1/4" peep


Allen Braided Bow Sling

Bohning Lynx 4 arrow quiver

8 Unshot Beman ICS Trebark 400 arrows

It also comes with the complete bow pack that Mathews includes with their bows. This pack includes the following:

New Camo Hat

Owner's Manual

Aluminum dampers

"Making the Shot" CD

"Mathews" Keychain

"Mathews" decal

A Mathews Hunting DVD featuring 12 bowhunts

"Mathews" magazine

2005 Mathews product catalog

Misc literature on Mathews' 2005 products

Also included is one New Black Mathews hat

This bow was on ebay but the deal fell through so I figured I'd post it around a bit before I re-listed it.

Please feel free to pm me or email me with any questions you may have.

$625 shipped








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