best to plant clover in the spring or fall?

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Guest cowpoke

Re: best to plant clover in the spring or fall?

Are you drilling or bradcasting the seed? Clover and alfalfa a slightly different in the success rate we generally see when just broadcasting the seed, with alfalfa having better success when drilled.

Here is some things to consider. For alfalfa here is Wisconsin we can seed either in Mid August through the first few days of Spetember and get it growing and big enough to be in good enough shape to get through winter. Otherwise we plant in mid to late April through mid May generally speaking. For you in Oklahoma you may want to push the spring planting about 3 to 4 weeks earlier, and the fall planting a little later when you have good fall moisture, maybe late Sept or early October.

For clover you could "frost seed" braodcast it in late Feb or early march, where we would seed it here about a month later using that precedure depending on the weather.

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Re: best to plant clover in the spring or fall?


If you have adequate soil moisture then an early spring planting, otherwise fall planting.

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and that's a big "if" in Oklahoma. We occasionally get enough rain for a spring planting but when those 100+ degree days of July and August hit it can take a toll on a young plot of clover. Weeds can also take advantage of a young clover plot. If you wait until fall then you can spend time during the late spring and summer by spraying your future plot of clover several times with roundup.

BUT---if you would have planted a new clover plot this fall it would be dead by now with the drought we are experiencing!

If you want to plant something this spring then think about planting roundup ready soybeans--that way you can provide the deer with a high protein warm season food and also spray to eliminate weeds. Then in the fall plant you can plant some clover or a good mix. I've had great luck with a blend made by Hamann Farms.

good luck


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