shooting with teeth?


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Re: shooting with teeth?

Well, that doesn't seem to be the preferred way to shoot by most archers. HOWEVER, there is a gentleman in southeastern B.C. who shoots that way in the unlimited class at various disciplines - FITA events, 3D, hunting.

He has only one arm and regularly beats the pants off even the best 'ablebodied' competition. Last summer, he made quite a splash in the paralympic world archery competitions in Italy.

He shoots compound and has a harness arrangement to hook the string to, then draws the bow by pushing out with his arm. Shooting the arrow is accomplished by tripping a release with his teeth.

Archery is more than a hobby as he also owns and operates a pro shop. I actually bought my Protec from him last fall and it was amazing to watch him operate with one limb. I watched in awe as he changed strings and cables on various bows, tied string loops on with one hand, and many other tasks that amazed me.

hoyt_hunter, when I saw your post I just had to tell you about this guy. Quite something.

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Re: shooting with teeth?


Jeff Fabry-prostaff shooter for hoyt and won the limited division at Vegas. Jeff shot a perfect 300 vegas round last year. This something that is rarely done in the limited division.

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Is that the guy who was shooting in comumbus? the guy that i saw looked to be very smooth, and relaxed, very good indeed

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