
Guest flatwoodhunter

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Guest flatwoodhunter

i live in southeast louisiana and want to plant some summer and winter food plots. i want a good attractant and nutritional plot. also what months of year should i plant them. thanks in advance.

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Re: plots

summer annuals---my favorite warm season annual is iron and clay cowpeas. Very palatable and very high in protein. They will get overbrowsed if planted in a small plot. I plant them with a mixture of soybeans, sunflowers, millet, milo, and a forage sorghum. A great plot for both deer and birds.

My cool season plantings include a mix of wheat, ryegrain, triticale, vetch, rape, and purple top turnips. I also have a one acre plot that I plant a winter brassica mix made by hamann farms.

good luck


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Re: plots

Im from Ponchatoula and I have you coverd on this one. For the summer plant American joint vetch mixed with alyce clover. Use 0-20-20 or something simular. For the winter use a blend from Pennington seed called Mississippi Complete. This is a blend of two clovers, wheat and oats. Use 13-13--13 for this. lime in the spring and fall. I will be planting my summer plots at the end of april. Good luck and let me know if you need anything else. You wont find anything better for us down here. grin.gif

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Re: plots

In a commercial mix for annuals, lablab plus performed great for us for a late summer plot. Wintergrazer rye from pennington is a great winter seed to mix in with whatever other annual you plan to use. This fall we plan on planting more of the wintergrazer along with some brassicas, possibly the hamann farms blend.

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