Front sight for shotgun


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I am looking into getting a new sight to replace the little white bead that is the front sight on my Mossberg 500 20ga. shotgun. I was looking at the HiViz Spark sight, the TruGlo Universal Long Bead, and the TruGlo Shotgun Long Bead. I think the HiViz Spark sight is what I'm leaning towards, it looks should show up well in front of the mid-bead sight on my gun but I am wondering what do any of you recommend or do any of you have these sights? I did have a HiViz sight that was magentic with a sticky back and is alot longer, but it doesn't stay on too well, even with superglue,lol. is where I'm ordering my turkey choke from but they don't have the HiViz sight, Cabelas does in the color I want - red. Walmart has it to, but in green only, weird. Anyway let me know your thoughts please and thanks!

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Re: Front sight for shotgun

I have a few of the Easy Hit Fiber Optic Beads on my shotguns. My trap doubles gun and my sporting clays guns both wear these sights. If the shooter has a problem with eye dominance switching this sight can show it. If you try to look at the bead with the off eye, it shows up black, when the correct eye is used, it glows red or green. These sights have an adhesive and stick to the rib.

I prefer the smaller .10" 2.5mm size as it will give a slightly higher point of impact than the larger bead. This allows the shooter to view the target while its being shot. With a flat shooting gun, the bead must obscure the target on the swing through.

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