What would be your ideal property?


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Re: What would be your ideal property?

My great uncles sold 820 acres of heaven in northern Wisconsin when I was a kid.

It had 2 roads in to it...had 200 acres of hardwoods surrounded by swamps. To the north, there was about 8 miles of swamp/woods before you hit a town road.

Makes me sick that I wasn't old enough to buy it. frown.gif

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Re: What would be your ideal property?

Thought about this many times. I'd own 1,000 acres in the black belt of Alabama. In the middle would be a "no hunt, safe zone". Small hunting food plots just outside the zone in a balanced environment of pines, hardwoods, and grasslands, and 2-acre food plots outside that. At the outer perimiter would be 5-acre row crops fields separated by a combination of hardwoods and grasses. Don't forget the 1-acre bass pond, and the 1-acre vegtable garden.

All my Realtree friends would come over and help thin down the does, and be limited to 1 buck per year - 8pts or better w/ 15" spread minimum. grin.gif

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Re: What would be your ideal property?

About 3,000 acres in southeasten Iowa with a nice, comfortable house about a 1/4 mile off a road on the top of a hill overlooking a large creek or small river. The large creek or small river would run through the widest part of the property in a general east/west direction with timber on both sides with numerous smaller creeks feeding into it. About 1/2 of the property would be timber with several larger blocks of timber tied together by some thinner wooded areas along feeder creeks joining the bigger wooded areas together. The other 1/2 would be a combination of planted crops and some winter food plots. Might as well throw in a few ranch hands to patrol the place to keep the poachers out.

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Re: What would be your ideal property?

My ideal piece of property is the farm I've been hunting for nearly 10 years. It is perfect in every way. Timber, aggriculture, ditch bottoms, beaver pond, thickets, no pressure from all four sides, and some good deer on it. Good duck hunting too!

The ONLY thing it lacks for my area is turkeys. For some reason I can not get turkeys to migrate to my farm. I'm not sure why. They are everywhere around me, but just not on my farm. I think it has to do with the way it is located in proximity to no other real huntable ground. Kind of why it has no pressure and the deer just stack up in there. I just don't think the turkeys are able to find it.

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