Gander Mtn. Disappointment:


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Re: Gander Mtn. Disappointment:



Once I asked for a laser bore sighter at the gun counter and the guy said,"nope, we don't have any" IT WAS IN THE DISPLAY CASE RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM. I said what about that one. Then he says, "ohhh you meant one of these...." and it said laser bore sighter right on the box.

Another time, I bought some carbon arrows and they used hot glue on them to put the inserts in like you use on aluminum arrows. I don't have any bow work done there anymore.

[/ QUOTE ]Was this the Janesville store? We have had lots of complaints from this store and the district Manager is working on cleaning up this one.

For all of you who bash us as being a Wal-Mart and are comparing us to a pro-shop, stop and think about what you are saying. When compared to a local proshop, of course we are going to fall short. WE ARE A BOX STORE AS ARESULT THERE ARE LIMITATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Before you start bashing the store for the people working there keep in mind that 90% of the people there are part timers who are also working other jobs. As far as our gun counter we had to go through the guys behind the counter and clear out the stagnant water.

If you have a complaint, go to customer service and tell them. There are compaint cards behind there and without them, WE HAVE NO WAY OF KNOWING THE PROBLEM! Voice your opinion to the store managers and you will find that more often than not, they will bend over backward to try to rectify the problem. Keep in mind, our store pulls a TON of buisiness from Bass Pro, Cabelas, and Dicks, however, the local proshops hold their own in their own niche the high end bows.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, it was the baraboo store...

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Re: Gander Mtn. Disappointment:

It has to be the store and the personell in it.

The Gander Mtn by me in Middletown,NY is filled with people who don't leave you alone about asking you if you need help. The archery dept there is filled with people who know their stuff, and patience to answer questions over and over.

I am happy with the GanderMtn by me.

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Re: Gander Mtn. Disappointment:

Thank goodness I have a Bass Pro less than 30 minutes away from the house. There is no Gander Mountain in the Charlotte area, and for good reason, it wouldn't make it with Bass Pro being there. Dick's does ok here because they sell a wide variety of sporting goods, but their hunting/fishing items are overpriced.

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Re: Gander Mtn. Disappointment:



Once I asked for a laser bore sighter at the gun counter and the guy said,"nope, we don't have any" IT WAS IN THE DISPLAY CASE RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM. I said what about that one. Then he says, "ohhh you meant one of these...." and it said laser bore sighter right on the box.

Another time, I bought some carbon arrows and they used hot glue on them to put the inserts in like you use on aluminum arrows. I don't have any bow work done there anymore.

[/ QUOTE ]Was this the Janesville store? We have had lots of complaints from this store and the district Manager is working on cleaning up this one.

For all of you who bash us as being a Wal-Mart and are comparing us to a pro-shop, stop and think about what you are saying. When compared to a local proshop, of course we are going to fall short. WE ARE A BOX STORE AS ARESULT THERE ARE LIMITATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Before you start bashing the store for the people working there keep in mind that 90% of the people there are part timers who are also working other jobs. As far as our gun counter we had to go through the guys behind the counter and clear out the stagnant water.

If you have a complaint, go to customer service and tell them. There are compaint cards behind there and without them, WE HAVE NO WAY OF KNOWING THE PROBLEM! Voice your opinion to the store managers and you will find that more often than not, they will bend over backward to try to rectify the problem. Keep in mind, our store pulls a TON of buisiness from Bass Pro, Cabelas, and Dicks, however, the local proshops hold their own in their own niche the high end bows.

[/ QUOTE ]

Touchy aren't we. Just from my own personal experience, my cousin that lives in Greensboro travels to Charlotte to buy from Bass Pro rather than Gander Mtn. that is in Greensboro. Now don't get me wrong, if he needs something small, it's Gander, but when needs ProStaff type help with a big purchase it's Bass Pro. It's the same thing with me and Dick's. I have a Dick's about 5 minutes from my house, but the most I've spent in there is $20.00 at a time if that. IMHO

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