How about this for a Public Aid Plan?


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I think that if you apply for public aid and are of child bearing age, that you should have a form of surgical birth control that has a higher chance of preventing you from having children while on public aid. If you refuse the surgery, then we refuse to send a check. There are enough forms of temporary birth control that when implanted will in most cases prevent pregnancy. I don't think you should be able to double up on the system just because you can't keep from being friendly. The same guy I wrote about in the Jesse Jackson post just got his income taxes back and his check is for $6200. No I didn't mispell it either. And get this. He plans to spend it on virtual reality glasses and a beat box so he can make rap music. He doesn't have a car and his wife doesn't work but that's what's more important to him. I asked him what he was buying his 3 children with some of that money and he said that they already had clothes. He even admitted that he only had 3 kids so he could get tax breaks like that. I say birth control now.

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Re: How about this for a Public Aid Plan?

Forced birth control, yep, good idea there. Might as well go back to forced sterilization like the state of NC did to black females back in the 50's. confused.gif While I think it is pathetic for people to have children just to get tax breaks and this guy you know is obviously a loser to buy VR glasses that he'll probably use once and a beat box so he can make rap music noone will ever listen to. Do you know how many kids today whose only dream is to be a rapper? It's pretty sad. I have nothing wrong with them wanting to listen to it or whatnot but have a realistic dream and work on the music on the side, if it takes off, good luck to ya, but you can't expect to make it big because P Diddy and "half-dollar" guy made it. grin.gif

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Re: How about this for a Public Aid Plan?

I don't think that everyone on public aid is a loser. Far from it. But the ones that refuse to work and keep poppin out kids is rediculous. It's supposed to be help, not doing it for them. How do we ever hope to help the problem when all we do is provide them with a bigger check for the same problem? Some actually want to have kids just to start getting a free check and free food. They then teach their little public aid feeders to do the same thing. It's not just a black or white thing either. When did giving something for nothing become the way to help some one? My mother was on public aid but she was divorced, had 2 boys and worked 3 jobs. Not exactly a freebie seeker. I just wish people would stop giving sympathy to every bleeding heart that says we need to give, give, give. God helps those that help themselves so why can't our government?

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Re: How about this for a Public Aid Plan?


When did giving something for nothing become the way to help some one?

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During FDR's administration. Since then we have thrown trillions of dollars at poverty. And guess what we have to show for it?? Trillions of dollars worth of poverty.

As for mandatory birth control to welfare recipients........ have you ever heard of the ACLU?? Come back to earth, now, BowJoe. wink.gif

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Re: How about this for a Public Aid Plan?

I know it is a pipedream and all, it's just so frustrating that we have to go on supporting others while we get hit from all angles for every new program invented to make a politician look good. guess where most of this money goes anyway. Not Southern IL. No, it goes directly to Chicago and they collect hundreds of dollars while people down here go hungry because they aren't poor enough or of the right race or have kids. It's not just an imperfect system, it's down right disgusting.

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Re: How about this for a Public Aid Plan?

fact is. the welfare system is just a part of the liberalism so popular with some. make the people dependant on big government. you know, socialism, marxism, communism. all the "ism's" that are proven not to work. well, they took the black people, showed them how to live on aid, showed them how to get rid of the father in the household (ie: more money for each baby unsupported by a dad), and showed them how to have a monthly check just for popping out kids. well, the black culture is all but destroyed. indians? sure, put them on reservatins and let big government take care of them. a once strong, proud people are now mostly unemployed welfare dependants. sad, but true and ongoing of our big daddy government. lots more examples out there, but you know them all

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