Anyone do their own taxidermy???


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I was just curious how many do-it-yourselfers we have on here when it comes to taxidermy? My brother (IowaDeerHunter) and I decided 2 years ago that it didn't look too hard and we should try it! We really didn't know what we were getting into but we love it! We have done one doe shoulder mount, 2 turkey fan mounts, and 1 turkey brest mount, and numerous pheasant fan mounts! It is a great hobby and just gives a little more meaning into our memories and harvest!

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Re: Anyone do their own taxidermy???

Yeah it started as a hobby for me and now it seems like a full time job with friends and family bring their heads over. I did 30 deer heads last year and I cut back to about 15 this year. I enjoy doing it and it pays for all my hunting trips I take.

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Guest Michelles_Taxidermy

Re: Anyone do their own taxidermy???

I've got my own Taxidermy buisness and a full time job at the Marine Base as a civilian Machanic.

Or should a say a full time taxidermy buisness and a part time 55 hour a week job at the Base.. LOL

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Re: Anyone do their own taxidermy???



I do a little.

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LOL nice grin.gif

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Seriuosly. I do a little. In no way am I a full time taxidermist. I have tried to go full time for years and cant make a living at it. I have just settled to doing part time hobby work and to make some pocket change.

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Guest hunter101

Re: Anyone do their own taxidermy???

well i wouldnt say ''i do it myself'' but i hasve worked at a taxidermy shop for the past 4 years now and i have down a bird and and largemouth bass and now i am getting ready to start my first deer head.

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Re: Anyone do their own taxidermy???

i use to me and my cousion did it for several years just mamels never tried a fish or bird mainly deer we just kinda got out of it all togther everbody was wanting something just burned us out i think that and family and work i think im going to start back this year if i can manage to pick up some tools this summer all my friends complain when ever they take something to the taxidermst about the price i tell them theyve never had to put up with the trouble its worth every penny they get

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Re: Anyone do their own taxidermy???

I've helped the local taxidermist by salting down the underside of my first deer hide (muley doe)! grin.gif He really complemented me on it when my mom brought it in. "Yep. He salted it alright!" were his words. Other than that, no, but I sometimes mess around with pheasant fans of birds just shot. I wanna do more though, and if I fill both my turkey tags this spring, I'll send my first one off to the taxidermist for a full body mount and do the other one myself (probably just a fan mount).

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