Beman Arrows

Guest ZKS90

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Right now i am shooting Beman ICS Hunters out of my parker, phoenix 36 bow.The arrows are tipped with the Montec G5 85 grain broadheads. What is the best grain arrow to shoot?

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Re: Beman Arrows

You say "best grain arrow" you mean size? Depending on your poundage, I would shoot the ICS 400's. I'd probably shoot the 340's for 68+ lbs....

I think most guys shoot in the neighborhood of 7-10 grains per inch, if I remember correctly. I'm usually not too concerned with what my arrow weighs, as long as it is not over/under spined.

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Re: Beman Arrows

I like thin shafts for better penetration.

I use Beman 380-16's super thin and busts bone like no other I have ever seen. I also use a 100gr NAP Shockwave expandible out of a 29"/60lb Outback. I don't think that Beman makes these size shafts anymore. Lucky I bought 3 dozen!

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