Thanksgiving 2005 does


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I can't believe I over looked this. I guess because it took so longto get the pictures. My uncle and I always hunted his lease in norther Michigan Thanksgiving weekend as kind of a tradition to wrap up regular firearms season. After the 2004 season he dropped the lease due to problems with the land owner. We werent sure what we were going to do for our annual hunt. Well the guys that leased the property across the road took over the lease my uncle dropped. They just happened to work with my uncle and they invited the both of us up Thanksgiving weekend to hunt. So we took advantage of it. My uncle got an early start and got up there in time to hunt Wednesday and took a doe out of his old hunting shack. I was nt able to make it up until Friday morning due to work and family things. I headed out to the same hunting shack Friday afternoon at about 3. I only had one doe permit to hunt off of and by 3:30 had seen 5 deer and a good sized doe offered me a broadside 40 yard shot. I decided to break in the 270 WSM and gave her her first kill. It dropped her in her tracks so I unloaded the gun and enjoyed the rest of the evening in the blind as several more does and fawns made their way through. It was probably the end to many many memories on tht small piece of land as I killed my first deer and first turkey off that land. And my uncle took several nice bucks and toms as well. Heres a picture. My doe was aged at 4 1/2 and his at 3 1/2.


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