Brokeback deception


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There was an article on yahoo that talked about "Brokeback Mountain" smashing boxoffice records. This not only supprised me, but was personally a little disturbing that this movie would be that popular.

As a read the article it said that it was the "Per screen record" and that it had only opened up in 6 theators in the whole country.

What I found interesting is that after an hour of searching the internet for articles that were more spefic or more recent I came up empty.

An important question in my mind that I couldn't find a single article answer is, "Where were these movie theaters?" Something tells me most were probibly located in an un-named city by a bay of the same name in California.

Just another example of the Godless people in CA trying to covince the world that they are right.

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Re: Brokeback deception


There was an article on yahoo that talked about "Brokeback Mountain" smashing boxoffice records. This not only supprised me, but was personally a little disturbing that this movie would be that popular.

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It surprised you? Then it must of surprised you when the libs make a big deal about the movie "Passion of the Christ"! Come on man, this is now the American way.

I bet Slugo went and seen the movie smirk.gifgrin.gif

I bet he will defend it as well tongue.gif

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Re: Brokeback deception

To answer johnf's question, I couldn't find the article you mentioned claiming the film was smashing box office records, but according to it has only grossed 51 million since its release, which is hardly record breaking and its per screen average was just under 4K, which is better than some movies but there are others doing better, plus, it's only playing on like 1600 screens compared to a normal movies 3000+ screens. Because it is an independent movie, they tend to only open those in limited cities like New York, Chicago and L.A. until the movie gains enough buzz to justify them sending it here. It's been out for almost 2 months I think and it just showed up in theaters here about a week ago. How do I know? Because they had a story about it in the paper last week.

As far as Mike goes. I haven't seen it and have no intentions of seeing it. You know what assumptions do don't you Mike? As far as defending it, people have the right to make whatever movie they want and people have the right to see it or not see it. The movie being released doesn't affect me negatively in any way nor does it to anyone else on here. I bet if the religous right hadn't made such an uproar about it it wouldn't have made half of what it has right now. Thats what amazes me, whenever something controversial comes out that is relatively unknown and unpopular, it doesn't gain steam until the ultra-religous start making a stink about it. The producers of the movie got tons of free advertising just from people making a fuss about it which in turn caused more people to want to see it. As far as people seeing it, I think my fiance's sister saw it, she said there wasn't much of a "love" scene so to speak.

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Guest INHunterman

Re: Brokeback deception



Could you please furnish us your definitions of "the religious right" and "ultra-religious", please? You've piqued my curiosity.

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Same here, please define.

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Re: Brokeback deception

Well, it just goes to show the politics in Hollywood. It was a controversial movie of liberal beliefs so they made it out to be the best movie in years and it hasn't done well. But Hollywood shunned PASSION and look what the Lord did with that movie without Hollywood...I'm sitting back in my chair smiling. smile.gif

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Re: Brokeback deception



Could you please furnish us your definitions of "the religious right" and "ultra-religious", please? You've piqued my curiosity.

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I don't necessarily mean anything negative by the statements. Basically what I am saying is that there are those who are Christian who do not try to cause controversy and there are those that believe that anything and everything is somehow against a Godly lifestyle. I have seen it time and time again, in music and movies. A lot of the time, when there is something controversial being released in the entertainment industry that is against traditional Christian beliefs, the greatest advertisement the product can get is when people like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson get everyone in an uproar about it and then it gets more attention because of its content than it would have if noone had said anything. Now, do I think that Christians should keep their mouths shut when there is something in conflict with their beliefs, absolutely not, but when they start to voice their vehement opposition, it causes the opposite effect of what they intended.

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Re: Brokeback deception

Your'e right there Sluggo..............Ouch, that hurt.

The problem is not fighting it, it's how to fight it. Simply ignoring the problems with the moral decay has gotten us where we are today as a nation.

The fight must be fought. How? I'm not really sure, but continueing to do nothing is not the answer.

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Re: Brokeback deception


One other thing. It's obvious I have been misunderstood, at least by one person that frequents these forums. I don't defend the lifestyle, but I will defend the rights of the person.

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I totaly agree with you Slugshooter....

wait a min...I think somewhere very hot just got very cold... grin.gif

I will add to that I wouldn't go see the movie either...

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