Need advise on a rifle for a 6 yr old?

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My son just turned 6 and would like to buy him a air rifle or 22 rifle in the next 2 months. I've heard some talk about a 22 Chipmonk rifle being a shorter gun which might be better for him. But not sure if I should just get him a air rifle to start off first?

Now for the kicker my son is blind. I'm now trying to rig something up to mount on the gun for him to aim and me to see so I can tell him which way to point the gun. Maybe some sort of cheap laser site just to start off with. Of course since he cant see; has GREAT hearing and other GREAT sences to make up for his vision.


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Re: Need advise on a rifle for a 6 yr old?

I really like that gun and the price! However I'd like to get a bolt action but would like to get one that holds 5-10 shells if exists. Reason being it would be a lot of work having to raise the gun reload it and trying to get him even remotely close to the target I would think. Now if I got one that he loaded first then after shooting once he could stay in position co*ck the shell out and push forward for a new shell without moving so much. Yes I could get a auto to be even more simple but thought it would be funnier as a kid to get to move the bolt around between shots.

Also does anyone have and thoughts on a laser site? I've never used one before is why I asked. Being ona budget for one whats a decent one I could get for maybe 40 yards? Pros cons. Can you see one in the day time pretty good?


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Re: Need advise on a rifle for a 6 yr old?

You could get him a Crickett .22. I have one just to plink with. It is shortened so it would be better for a smaller child. It's a single shot and it costs $127. It even has a lock on the stock so you can lock it with a key so your son can't shoot unless your there.

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Guest fourtrax_300

Re: Need advise on a rifle for a 6 yr old?

yeah the crickey will shoot shorts. my friend has one and we shoot shorts,and those powderless aguliara sheels. they sound like a bb gun shooting !

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Re: Need advise on a rifle for a 6 yr old?

Got my boy a Cricket for x-mas......he loves it.....only weights 2 1/2 lbs.,...we scoped it...and get the CCI CB shorts...very a pellet gun.....has a built in safety lock with keys.....he also has a ROSSI 22/410 rifle as well.....another good choice....single shots are much safer and good starter guns.

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