Are you a good person??


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Re: Are you a good person??



Jesus was so hated for preaching the truth they killed him over it!!

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Last time I checked.......I believe that Jesus died because that was the will of God for Him to become the sacrifice for your sins and mine.

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And Preacherman Chimes in.


Preacherman 1 bornagain 0

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Re: Are you a good person??


Ok, First off...I'm trying to witness to non-christians here. Then also I'm trying to reach the luke warm.

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To say this and then say that you didn't say anyone on here was "luke warm" contridicts itself.

It is hard to believe one who is inconsistant.

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Re: Are you a good person??

He was killed because of God's plan, not for what He was preaching. It was God's sole purpose to send the ultimate sacrifice, His Son, to earth, to give us sinners a way to forgivness and eternal life. Period. He was going to die on that cross regardless of the circumstances, and I for one am glad He did. So I don't believe preacherman was making a "funny".

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Re: Are you a good person??


Interesting posts.


Jesus preached on the lake of fire more than heaven.

And the Bible says He came for our example.

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But how many times did he tell us how to get to the Father? If you get to the Father through him, you'll be in heven.

BTW I say no humor in what preacherman said. I saw truth.

Christ died because we sin and God the Father ordained the His son to die for our sins. The trial that Pilite officiated over had nothing to do with why Christ died. It was simply the tool which God used that we might be redeemed through the blood that was shed. His death was decided on probibly before Eve was decieved and Adam followed her into the deception.

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Re: Are you a good person??



Jesus was so hated for preaching the truth they killed him over it!!

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Last time I checked.......I believe that Jesus died because that was the will of God for Him to become the sacrifice for your sins and mine.

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Both statements are true, so why are you so intent on correcting everyone ? confused.gif

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Re: Are you a good person??

Yes, Jesus preached on ****, quite a bit, but He also preached on love, and loving one another. Do you honestly think that pounding out sermons on **** and frightening people into the faith is the route you want to go? Because of preachers like you is one of the reasons I fell out of the church for a short time. One of my favorite authors of all time Paul, wrote this: "We know that we all possess knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know." I Corinthians 8:1&2

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Re: Are you a good person??



Jesus preached on the lake of fire and you say dont.

Lets cut out the lake of fire out of our Bibles then since we cut it out of our preaching.

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Here is a revilation for you. I am not afraid of the boogie man because I know he does not exist. The vast majority of unbelievers don't believe **** or the lake of fire exist. What you are preaching is not real to them. They have never been to church and never read the bible. You are selling a fairy tale to them.

I do believe it exist and beilieve it should be preached, but it is fruitless to an ear that is not ready to here it. Some, not many, of the lost are ready to hear in and need to.

Preaching on the lake of fire to someone who doesn't believe in it is pointless

What people are looking for is answers to questions that they haven't thought of. They are looking for something to fill the void in thier hearts that only God fill. They are looking for a diretion to go to and a purpose to work toward. Teaching and spreading the Word of God does that. We can always work toward a more Christ like life. But if all we want is "Fire insurance" that you're selling here then after salvation there is no direction or purpose.

That is why so many Churches are dying. People make a decision based on fear and emotion but lack direction when the "new" wears off. Nothing your saying gives direction or purpose, only "Fire Insurance"

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Re: Are you a good person??



I hope your making a funny?

Yes that was the will of God, but HE was killed for what he preached.

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Since I guess I have been tagged (and yes, I am making a funny there! grin.gif) I ought to make my own response.

No, I was not trying to make a funny........because scripture teaches us that it was the will of God for His Son to come to earth in human flesh and live a Human life so that He might give His life as a sacrifice for the sins of mankind.

The reason the government officals hated Jesus so much was because of who He was! He did not just go around "Telling the truth"......He is the Truth! And that is why that He died. If you remember, it was Pilate that asked Him, "Are you the King of the Jews?" in Luke 23:3. And that was the reason that He was killed........because of the accusations that were being made as to who He was. Not because He stood on a street corner in Jerusalem and preached the gospel. If this were the case, then He probably would have been killed at about age 12 or 13 when He went in the temple and began to teach the teachers.

Sorry, and I am not trying to ruffle any feathers here, but you might want to sit down and work on your theology a little before you start publically stating it.

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Re: Are you a good person??


It is the will of God we all die since Adam sinned.

But no one dies of heart disease??

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Again, I would love to know scripture and verse where you pull this out of.......and then the point of your second comment about heart disease.

Last time I checked it is a fact of life that people die. The Bible speaks of life being like a vapor appearing for a little while and vanishing away. The Bible speaks of how that it is appointed (literal Greek meaning is "to await") unto man once to die. So, I see life and death as a fact of life.

Again, I say to you with a heart of careful what you are preaching and taking out of context because God doesn't look to handily on things like this!

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Re: Are you a good person??

bornagain, you keep quoting scripture, but with no reference. Do you actually study the bible and know where these quotes come from or are just repeating verses and things you have heard from other preachers (not accusing, just asking). The only references to quotes you have given have been men not from the Bible. This is yet another turn off for people. At least reference your beliefs and quotes with Scripture verses so that if someone does want to read more into what you are saying, they can look it up. And be careful not to pull only verses that you want heard but use the Bible fully, the way God intends for it to be used.

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Re: Are you a good person??



The Bible says they hated Jesus without cause.

And your point with 12 or 13 years old....well, He wasnt infilled with the Holy Ghost yet. And your point about Pilate....well, How did he get to Pilate by picking flowers? He got to Piltate for things He was preaching.

What is your back ground????

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I see where you are coming from now, didn't take long to figure that one out. As far as Jesus being filled with the Holy Ghost.......I really didn't know that He needed to be, since the Holy Ghost is part of who He is. (i.e. The Trinity) Go back and study John 14 He speaks of sending the comforter (the Holy Spirit) after He left, so why did He need to be filled with something that He was going to send?

As far as my background........if it matters that much.......I am nothing short of a good old fashioned southern boy who is saved by the grace of God. I never drank, smoked or chewed or went out with girls that did. My dad was a deacon of a church; but if I would have died lost, I would have spent enternity in h e l l. And I know that . But thanks be to God for His matchless grace and how that He saved my soul.

As far as how he got to Pilate..........apparently you didn't read my last post. By the accusations that were being made that He was the King of the Jews! Go study your Bible.

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Re: Are you a good person??



You need a verse?...The soul the sins it shall die!

God said man must die because of the fall. I think were playing with words now and plus we're way off topic.

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Can't find that verse in the Bible..........please, give me verse and chapter if you want me to consider what you say.

As far as playing with words........I believe that is what studying the Bible is all about, especially if we are going to take it in the context in which it was written.

Off topic?? Believe you left the topic about 4 pages ago.

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Re: Are you a good person??


"the word will not return void, it will accomplish all that God intended.." Good point!

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I agree with you in how that His word will not return unto Him void. By the way, I believe that would be Isaiah 55:11.

All these guys and myself are doing is asking you to give chapter and verse to back up your belief. If you can't do that, then don't quote it.

As far as your statement about it "sometimes" being good to give friend, by not giving reference, all you are doing is confusing every lost person in the world!

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Guest AllArmyoutdoorsSD

Re: Are you a good person??

As I stated before I am not a theologist, but when Jesus was babtized, didn't he have direction from god to do so and show his father's will? And bring all that would follow in his steps closer to God?

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Re: Are you a good person??


I learned from the MASTER HIMSELF for qoutes:

"It is written..." I gues the devil would of left sooner if gave exact verses? LOL

O yeah another man of God: Billy Graham hardly ever uses references because hes known to say: "The Bible says...."

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Don't think we asked Billy Graham to give references, just you.

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Re: Are you a good person??

Billy Graham is a close personal freind of my family, so I would have to take offense to this. I don't think anyone in here, even non-christians, would question Billy's motives and knowledge of the Word. He is very well respected all over the World and every crusade I have been to when he's quoted the Bible, they have put the verse on the Big Screen. When you are as well Respected as Billy, we will let the references slide. But I'm not really getting the feeling that you've gained any kind of respect in here. So let's have some good ol' fashion Bible verse references please.

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Re: Are you a good person??

Well, I can't speak for other believers, but I spend well more than 3 minutes a day in prayer and in the word. But I don't say that to be a poser, to show others how much time I spend with God. That is my personal time with HIM. And it is between me and HIM. And personally I like to be disturbed. smile.gif

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Re: Are you a good person??


I've been a pastor for over 8 years now. I resigned my last church back in June '05. I'm also a evangelsit in which I preach in different states for revival. I'm also getting ready to start preaching open-air at college campuses. Church of God non-denominational. But I preach in all denomonations.

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Tell me something please.

Why did you resign as a pastor in your church ?

Do you preach in different Staes by invite, or just show up preaching ?

Do you like sales-men who show up on your front door, force there way past you, unpack the item they are trying to sell you, and start in with there spiel, before politely introducing themselves with some small talk (even if the product they are selling is the best in the whole wide world...but you don't know that) ? or would you rather do your own shopping around and seeking out the best vaccuum you can find based on other peoples testimonies. That is, if your even interested in that product ?

Your not going to be an instrument of God, if you go barging into private places just to preach AT people. You might have some success, if you just happen to run into someone who is just starving for what you have to sell, but for the most part, you are just going to turn people away. Then the next poor sap comes along, with all sincerety, tries to introduce himself politely and gets the door slammed in his face.

I'm rambling again guys..stop me blush.gif

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Re: Are you a good person??

And by Real Revival as you call it, I'm assuming you are talking about preaching strongly the consequenses of an unrepentant heart, of **** Fire and death, and not watering it down. But what you are doing is watering down the Love and Grace of Christ through your preaching. Just something to think about.

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