Well I did it agian.....


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Re: Well I did it agian.....

My uncle has some domestecated 1/2 wild hogs in a good pen. We were butchering chickens one day and you should of heard them go wild.they must of smelled the blood. All I know is I don't want to go in the pen with a cut LOL. I wonder if one of the cows was not bleeding from a small cut ? Congrats on the hog!! Youcan just shoot them like varmets you do not need a tag? If so that would be good on the meat bill at the store.

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Re: Well I did it agian.....

sureshot, You know I never thought of that a cow could have had a cut or something somewhere on it's body or leg.

That was the craziest thing I have ever seen. It looked like a pack of dogs going after them.

You don't need a tag here to hunt them. You can kill as many has you want.

Don't have to worry about buying pork for a while. grin.gif

Good Huntin' Griz.....

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Well I did it agian.....

This morning I left the house and I had to go around to check the cows and make sure every thing was ok.

I went to this one field to look them over and off to my left there was a group of about 50 hogs.

I set back and was just glassing them to see what they were up to. The hogs started running after the cows like they were trying to bring one down.

I hauled you no what out there and I got right on top of them before they know what was going on and got a shot off.

Well needless to say I had another hog down. This one that I got will weigh about 80lbs. I know it's not a big one but it sure will be good to eat. grin.gif

Has anyone heard of a hog trying to take down a cow or anything?

Man I wish I could have gotten that on video. It was truly unreal. I will post some pics later so I can show everyone the hog.

Good Huntin' Griz.....

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Re: Well I did it agian.....

We had MANY..MANY hogs when I was young. I watched them on several occasions kill and eat our chickens. They will eat one about as quick as I will!

As far as the cows they may have considered a particular part of the field as their range. They can be somewhat territorial. If they thought the cows were trying to intrude into their feeding area they may have been trying to protect it. Glad to hear you got a little more bacon for the breakfast table. Save me a chop or two!!

Good Hunting,


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