I never Thought the cold had such an effect...


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Re: I never Thought the cold had such an effect...

Your not alone grin.gif

I had the exact thing happen to me a few years back, when I tried cranking my Mathews up to 70 lbs. I had absolutely no trouble shooting 70 lbs at the range during practice sessions, but, the evening that ol' buck came down the hill was a whole other story.

I had been sitting there on my stool, in my make-shift ground blind, covering a gateway in the fence-line, that the deer entered the bottom field at, for a couple of hours already. I spotted the big boy way up on the hill, near the houses about 300 yrds away. He was taking his sweet time, it was cold, and I was getting a kink in my neck and back, just watching him. It took another 2 hours before he finally commited himself to coming down to the farmers field and step through that gate at 15 yrds. I was soo excited and just like you, said to myself.."Your mine".

I tried 4 times to draw that bow, but couldn't and he stood there at 15 yrds the whole time, trying to figure out who the crack-pot was playing by the fence...LOL

I finally left in disgust, with him still in the field at about 40 yrds out.

The whole time, I thought it was something caught in the cam or top wheel, like a blade of grass or twig or something.

When I got home, I checked it all over, tried to draw it...no problem...LOL

I have since cranked down my bow to a more mangable poundage (63Lbs), to make up for those cramped moments, when "all" can go wrong

Man, do I know how you feel crazy.giftongue.gif

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Re: I never Thought the cold had such an effect...

Sadd to here about that. But atleast you had the opportunity.

It must get alot colder where ya'll live than it does here. I've never had the cold or setting have any affect on me drawing my bow. I usally set & stand for about 6-8 hours. It doesn't get down below 20 around here and not untill mid Dec.

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Re: I never Thought the cold had such an effect...

This is absolutely a familiar tale to me. Many years ago, I had my bow set at 80#. We were preparing for a moose hunt and had all talked each other into the fact that we had to shoot heavy poundage. At that time I was very active in an archery club and shot the bow at that poundage several times a week throughout the summer. I was regularly shooting the 28 target course and had absolutely no problem with pulling the bow or endurance.

That deer hunting season, I had the same exact experience. The temperature got real cold and the wind was blowing and when a doe came through, I was completely froze up and I couldn't pull that bow.

Cold does amazing things to muscles.


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Re: I never Thought the cold had such an effect...

did that once, just practicing in temps that were hovering around 10 F. i had been sitting down at the Dawes Arboretum for about 3 hours. for grins and giggles i decided to try and draw to see if i could.

i did, but it must have looked like a monkey freakin' a football because i was contorting my body all over the place to get that bow to break over.


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Re: I never Thought the cold had such an effect...

I've never had that problem, but I am a big guy. I used to throw around 300 pound paper rolls with ease where I work. Even now with bad arthritus, it doesn't happen.

But my cousin, a little guy,(pretty strong too), had it happen to him a few years back. He came off the stand firmly believing that the bow had frozen solid.

I pulled it back to prove to him that his joints had locked up on him. The bow pulled back very smooth, nothing wrong with it.

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Re: I never Thought the cold had such an effect...

I have had that happen as well! Turning the bow down a tad is a good tip. Another is to pull it back every now and then when on stand in cold temps to make sure you can.

Your bow pulling muscles need exercise all through the season as well. This is where many shooting problems turn up. Shooting up until October and then not shooting the bow until the opportunity in November is asking for failure. Not saying that you don't practice Adkhunter, but there are so many "what happened" out there. Lack of shooting plays a big part.

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