Newest toy saga continues............


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.........this time with a happy ending........I hope it's ended.

I was off work today for an appointment. So after that I stopped to pick up my gun at the smith's. He had called me yesterday and said he tried a bunch of different stuff to make the gun feed. But he didn't want to try to fix the problem any further because it may void the new-gun warranty. So I picked it up and headed two hours away to the nearest Winchester Authorized Service Center. Iwas figuring to drop the gun off and hear back from it in a couple months or something then have to go back & pick it up. The guy at the counter (after me describing the problem) said, "You gonna wait for it?" shocked.gif "Dang straight!!!!!!" grin.gif I never figured for instantaneous turn around. Heck..........who can't hang out in a big gun shop for an hour or so?? smirk.gif So I shopped a while and the dude brings my rifle back out and sez "write your name and address on this work order for warranty records". It's done fixed!! They set the extractor (not sure what that process is), adjusted the magazine box and replaced the follower.

I can't wait to shoot this gun!!

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