Oh sooo close...


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Well 5 minutes seperated me from being on the computer right now and gutting a 120-ish 8 pt'er right now. At 420 tonight i had a doe come under my stand for a half hour. It gets dark and i decide to sit down and call it a day and wait for this doe to leave my stand before i get out. Just as i sit down i hear some crunching in front of me. I look up and this 8 pt is trotting right towards me. I say what the heck, he gets to 17 yards and i was at full draw... i put the pin behind the front shoulder and decide to let this guy walk (for now) cuz it was too dark. I'm hunting in a suburban area and it was starting to drizzle, so the last thing i wanted was to injure this deer and have it die in some1's backyard or loose the blood trail or something. Anyways he should be back soon, hopefully in shooting hours. The doe ran out of there and the buck just sorta walked off the opposite way. IM STILL PUMPED!!! they r running hard in illinois... have been for a week now.

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