To shave...


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To shave, or not to shave.

That is the question.

Whether 'tis warmer for the face

To grow thy beard

Or 'tis more scent-free

To scrape thy face

How about it guys. What's the better trade off? Do you stop shaving for warmth during deer season? Or are you paranoid about scent control and shave it all off?

Not that the Scandinavian blood in my veins will really ever let me grow a good beard, LOL...but I'm just wondering what you all think?

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Re: To shave...

Well, I suppose I'll probably just shave every other day during the season but won't use shaving cream...just try to work up a lather with scent killer soap.

First of all, I'm paranoid about my facial hair trapping scent. Secondly, when I get my picture taken with that big buck, I don't want people to call me "Patches," which is what my face looks like when I don't shave...LOL

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Re: To shave...

I keep a beard, but keep it trimmed most of the time. Just trimmed around it before going hunting yesterday. I usually use unscented soap during season like scent away, yesterday used some shampoo with conditioner from robinson labs that I bought the wife for hunting, it worked great.

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Re: To shave...

I have a goatee about 90% of the year. When I do shave that off it has nothing to do with season. More re-shaping.

I keep pretty clean shaved other then that. I like to be shaved during bow season (short of my goatee) because my stubble grabs at my face mask and gets very uncomfortable.

Unfortunately im one of those guys who can grow a beard in a day so I have to shave every morning and every other morning at the latest. I try to drag that razor before every hunt....

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