One income family?


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Just curious to see how many one income families we have out there.

I have been trying to find a way for my wife to quit working but it is TOUGH to manage a family of four these days on one salary. I had to push the 'go live' date from December of last year to March of this year and then just had to push it back to the end of May. Needless to say, my wife hates me now but what am I going to do?

Just curious how many we have out there and how you manage to get by.


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Re: One income family?

Well, currently my wife and I both work. We don't have any kids yet, but can give you some "young advice". Growing up my dad worked, my mom stayed at home with my two sisters and me. Dad had a pretty good job as a building superintendant, then started his own business. He was gone all of the time, working 80-90 hours a week. He made it work but is it really worth it? I guess it's a double edged sword. I appreciate my mom being able to stay home and take care of and "raise" us, but my relationship with my dad suffered because of it. We have a great relationship now, but don't feel like I truely knew my dad until I was a Man myself. Just something to think about.

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Re: One income family?

We tried it for a couple of months after our little girl was born,but there was no way we could swing it.Now she just works part time at a doctors office 28 hours a week.It seems to work pretty good for us.She brings in a little extra cash and still gets to spend a lot of time with the little one.

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Re: One income family?

Well, we are going to try it I suppose but with my wife she has been at her hospital for about 16 years so she has good benefits and seniority.

But I don't see a lot of choices in that I have two kids that need to be moved physically to and from two different schools twice a day. So I just don't see many options to be honest.

I definitely understand the seeing your children stuff as I am contemplating doing some lawn service on the side this Spring and Summer to help out. It would have to be on Saturdays mostly because my commute is so long.

I gotta tell you, for someone who planned his whole life out and stayed out of the common teenager pitfalls, life sure is difficult to navigate.


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Re: One income family?

We both work other way. We would not be able to have what we have and give our girls everything they have if we both did not work.....we went deep in the hole with our house and we are trying to pay it off fast....400 a week! so I do not know how one income familys make it.

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Re: One income family?

My wife stay's home with our little girl. She worked until she was 6 months pregnant, so we are going on two years as a single income family. It's hard, but definitely do-able for anyone that wants to do it. I'm not saying we haven't made sacrifices in order for JaLynn to stay home with Lillie, my paycheck aint that big. We are selling our house, we're actually closing on it tomorrow, and moving into a mobile on 10 acres my father-in-law gave us. We are finally running our savings dry, so our house getting sold couldn't come at a better time. There is nothing comparable to the relationship that JaLynn and Lillie are building between one another, that alone is worth the sacrifices we make. JaLynn will eventually go back to work, but it will be a while.

Just one kid makes life tough with one income, I'll find out in a year or two how hard two kids will make it, but it's not about me and what I want anymore. It's about Lillie. I would like a new truck, 4-wheeler, bow, rifle, and lot's of other stuff, but it's not necessary. What is necessary is knowing my child has two loving parents that are doing what is best for her, and that is, having JaLynn stay home and raise her in a christian manner.


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Re: One income family?

We did the single income thing for a while. My wife only works part time an occasional evening and at least one shift on the weekends. During the week she's Mom/chauffer/kid referee/ domestic goddess!

We're fortunate though to have a duplex and have the rental income to supplement with.

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Re: One income family?

My wife works three days a week, she's in realestate and has a partner. CJ is in day care 3 half days a week. I was against day care, but CJ love it. she's learning far more than she would at home, and she loves playing with the other kids. It is a christian day care, so she get a good foundation there also. I think working what is good for the kids can differ. Alot of kids would be better off at a qualified day care than stuck in front of the TV for 6 hrs a day. Just remember your kids will accept your lifestyle, you just need to reasure the love you have when your together. JMO

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Re: One income family?

We used to be. My boys were born in 87, 90 and 93. Me and the wife both agreed she wouldn't work until all 3 started school. There was some lean times just starting out in the military as an enlisted. But we got by and loved each other just the same.

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Re: One income family?

My wife stays home and home schools our three children. It is not a life of ease. But God has provided. We do need to be more carefull with purchases and sometimes there's not enough milk. But I think we will be better off for being better stewards with what we have. I do cringe when gas and oil bills go up but i don't think that is just me.

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Guest buddy ahart

Re: One income family?

Its always been one with just my mom since my dad left us when i was 5 so my moms struggled to have a roof over my head and everything else i need. But since i was 13 ive worked during the summer off and on and when i was 15 i started working atleast 40 hours a week at a steel fabrication shop. It realy sucked back then cause all my freinds didnt work but now ive realized how much more mature and self saficiant i am . Its been real hard to afford things thats why half of my pay check goes to my mom for bills and the rest for my stuff. Anyway the point of me posting is that my mom is a freind to me not a mom my grandmother is more of a mom reason is my mom has always been at work and we realy never get to be a family. So what ever lets you be with your kids the most is what i would do.

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Re: One income family?

My wife and I both work. I guide some deer and antelope hunts, as well as raise beef cattle and run a few stock cows. My wife feels she needs to work because she spend alot of money and a reasonable ammount of time getting her degree in law. We have no children and are saving as much as we can if we do have kids or ever have that rainy day. What ever makes you happy is what I'd do.

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Re: One income family?

With rising daycare expenses and other issues we will soon be going back to a single income family. My wife and I are both working now, but not for long. She is taking a new job with a new employer the middle of this month and here pretty soon I am going to resign from my job and will be going back to staying home with the kids.

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