One income family?


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Guest andymansavage

Re: One income family?

My wife quit right before she had our first boy two years ago. It is definately harder to pay the bills, but it can be done. I am willing to do anything to have my wife raise my sons, I chose her to be with forever and I can't think of anyone better suited to raise our children.


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Re: One income family?

Blessed with two incomes right now. Won't be long before a little one is on the way and I'd like for her to have the option.

It should be possible, as long as we can get ourselves out of the trouble we created. grin.gif

My dad worked for months away from home to make ends meet. I really wish I had had more time with him. Maybe he'll start taking a few vacations and come fishing. 13 hours is a long way to travel.

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Re: One income family?

my wife enjoys her work so i really dont feel like i should tell her not to work

my mom retired to be the babysitter (she is payed) and we put all of my wife's paycheck in the 401k and savings

so i guess we have one income, but then she will take care of retirement

God blesses those who are stewards of their money

good tymes


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Re: One income family?

My wife just went back to work after 14 years living the high life...staying home. She works now in the high school cafeteria, not a heck of a lot of money, 4hours per day, but it keeps her that much more out of my pocket grin.gif

We have 3 sons who at this point...its cheaper to clothe them than feed them . With all of them hunting soon, the piles of venison will be welcome grin.gifsmirk.gif

Me... I've been in construction the last 21 years.

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Re: One income family?

If you add up all the hours my wife puts in a week with her 3 different part time jobs she's practically working full time. With 1 daughter already in college and another one starting this coming September, which we've been saving for, we manage to survive but without any "frills". We watch every penny and do without alot of the extras. It should get be easier once the kids are finished with college, but that's still quite a few years off.

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Guest finsnfur

Re: One income family?

We have one income, well 1 and little more. My wife works a small part time job doing the books for a really small company. We have 3 kids 3, 7, and 10. My wife takes care of the house and the kids during the week. I do most of the work on the weekends to give her a break.

We do not live a luxorious life at all. Hardly ever eat out and if we do, it is to teach the kids how to act while eating out, not just to enjoy the meal. No quick stops at the gas station for a bottle of pop. No fast food unless it is really really an emergency. Coupons are clipped and USED at all times.

We are by no means paupers either. We do not spend money on things that we do not need to spend $ on. I just did the brakes on my truck, but spent $$ so my oldest could play in a basketball tournament in a neighboring town. It is all about smart budgeting and choices.

Sounds hard to some, but it is all worth it. I want my kids raised by us, not by someone else at a baby sitters or a daycare. I married my wife because we believed in the same things. If we are not spending the most time with them, then who is actually raising them?

I know it sounds harsh and some people have no choice. I realize I am lucky because by cutting back on a lot of things, my wife can stay home with our kids.

If you are contemplating it, you can make it work. You just have to want it bad enough. You just have to rearrange your priorities. Kids first then you.

I saved for 2 years to get a bow. I just got my '05 vtec last month. I love it and I think I appreciate that much more. I am planning on having it for a very, very, long time. The kids will be out of college in about 18 years, i will start to look then.

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