Planting near water

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Re: Planting near water

I wish I had the luxury of planting near water. Being on the edge of the desert presents some unique challenges. The creeks in my area run in wet weather only, so the rest of the year, the deer drink from the ponds and wells we have have scattered across the ranch. It also requires a bit of good luck and good timing to raise a foodplot. Most of our rain typically falls in the Summer. Fall and Winter are usually very dry, unless it snows. I have my best luck for Fall by planting large acreages, somewhere around 600 or so, and hoping we get enough rain to get up a small crop. Because of the "crap shoot" nature, I usually plant traditional crops like milo, wheat and red top cane rather than the more exotic mixtures that are marketed specifically for deer hunters.

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Re: Planting near water

I would if I could. The farm I hunt and plant my plots is in hilly southern Indiana, and the openings are on the hill tops. I'll be having a small waterhole dug there when money allows. The farm also is 20 miles from where I live, so I don't have the opportunity to check the plots very often at all.

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Re: Planting near water

It would be hard not to plant a food plot down here and not at least be near water. Every bottom has at least some size creek (crick for Martin) near it. Our whole place is all ridges and bottoms. If you laid it all down flat we'd have double the acreage. Some of our larger food plots are by the larger creeks in the area simply because that's the largest area of flat ground.

With our place being 85 miles from my house I'm there far more weekends than not outside of an open hunting season. There's always some homework or projects I can use as an excuse to leave town. Sort of depends on the weather conditions though. Don't want to tear up our roads when its too wet. Have to do soil samples real soon too but it's been too wet these past 2 weekends down here. During any open hunting season there's no telling how often I'll be there but I won't be there just to look at food plots.

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