Turkeys gone?


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I would guess that the birds are still grouped up in their wintering flocks. Once they break up into snaller group and redistribute you'll be back in the birds. They usually break up once the Toms start getting romantic. Right now it's likely an all or nothing chance or spotting them.

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Re: Turkeys gone?

The leaves really do not matter as far as roosting goes. The hayfield and pastures greening up will be a good foodsource. So that'll hold them once they are there. I would guess that the birds will begin to filter into your area over the next month or so as the flocks begin to break up. They are just wintering elsewhere right now. If they've been there in the past in good numbers they should be back.

Good Luck!

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Guest beardsNspurs

Re: Turkeys gone?

I too would agree with the birds being in their winter flocks. Last week I saw a band of 9 longbeards off the highway. Now I don't know about anyone else, but I don't know that I've ever seen a band of 9 toms strutting TOGETHER in the spring. I've seen that many in the same field, but not that many acted like buddies come spring time. In recent years on some property behind the house, the birds never show up til mid March here in Missouri. Earlier in the year than March, there's no sign at all. Every year come March, they show up in bunches. Be patient, I'm sure you're birds will show up again this spring.

Hey Wheelz, where are ya at in north Missouri. I am in northeast MO, and we got almost 9 inches of snow dumped on us this past Saturday night.

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