Swamp trees?


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Re: Swamp trees?

The bottom here is full of willows on the side closest to a channel. They thrive in the wet soil, but they are very tough to get rid of. I had cleared them out of my field in the bottom and planted clover and had it where it would stay dry enough all summer that I could cut hay off of it, but it has been considerably more wet this past year. Think a beaver dam down the river is causing us to hold more water than normal, afraid the willows are going to start coming back.

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Re: Swamp trees?

Tom, willows do grow pretty quick. Willows do get out of control very easily if let go though. If you are looking to create a bedding area, a willow thicket full of thick swamp grass makes a great bedding area, just make sure you dont let them start growing where you dont want them.

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Re: Swamp trees?

*** Update ***

For the past couple days, the farmer behind me had a couple guys tiling his field for him. I went and talked with them, got ahold of the farmer, he said tile it all in to his drainage. So, the guys laid some tile across my swamp area, ran it across the property line and tied it together with the farmers new tile system. cool.gif It did cost me a bit, but the timing was perfect. The crew was already back there with all their equipment; to bring someone in just to do that little bit on my piece would have cost an arm and a leg. They just finished up this afternoon and the water is noticeable lower. cool.gif

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