Fixed blade vs. Mechanical broadheads????


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The days of fixed blades will never be "over"....

Look at the recent rage to bring back cut on contact heads...think Fred Bear was thinking about fixed blades or expandable when shooting his cut on contacts?

I think someone meant that you should NOT use mechanicals if you shoot slower than 275. By no means are there any rules about what type of head you HAVE to shoot (unless governed by local or state laws)

If you shoot fixed blades with nary a flyer - keep shooting them.

In archery, there are very few "absolutes"

Welcome by the way!

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Re: Fixed blade vs. Mechanical broadheads????

Just my opinion, but that is for the guys who can't tune their bow as well as others. Broadheads can be finicky when you start flying near 280-300+ fps, unless you become more anal about tune, spine, BH alignment with insert, and insert to the shaft. OR, you get lucky when you throw your rig/setup together! grin.gif It can be done, just more attention is needed.

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