Couldn't believe it...


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I was watching a hunting show on TV on Friday - 3 guys hunting longbeards. They were set up in tall grass at the margin of a forest. They got a nice group of hens and toms to turn and come into shooting range. One of the guys shoulders his gun and spooks the birds and they all take to the air. Now any of us who have been in the turkey woods long enough knows about this... BUT, these dudes started shooting at the birds in flight. shocked.gif I don't know about yall, but when I send a bird flying, I consider the game over... I don't shoot at flying longbeards for many reasons (super full choke, non-fatal injury to bird, etc). I was quite surprised to the "professionals" shooting at toms on the wing....

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Re: Couldn\'t believe it...

It also dpends on how comfortable youa re with it, some people dissagree with running shots on deer. ethics are not what you do when people are watching, its what decisions you make when you are by yourself......I personally practice and chose to shoot at a flying turkey if the situation calls for it, and running deer if the situation calls for it to be a clean safe kill.

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Re: Couldn\'t believe it...

about as hard as shooting a goose in the head, they are tough birds too.... for me i love shooting them on the ground.i'm just saying that it happens and is fine, unless you shoot them flying out fo the roost.........true story, i had a client that had never shot a turkey before, had a nice longbeard come in and out of now where a Coyote broke for the bird, bird flew right at us, the guy made 1 clean shot dropped teh bird right in front of us. Nice bird 19.5lbs 9.5" beard 3/4" spurs.... it was a nice shot too...i practice flying shots all year long and honestly to me a super full chock makes those flying head shots easier, and less likley to wound with flyer pellets

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Re: Couldn\'t believe it...

I'd have to agree with Exturkinator. I've never purposely tried to shoot one flying with the first shot, but I have once I've missed them coming in on two feet. I've found that trying for a air shot is futile and a waste of shells. Now if you had a second barrel with a mod choke, maybe it would work. But I've seldom been in a situation where I had time to properly lead a turkey with a x-tra full choke.

In my nineteen years at the sport, my flying turkey shot history is this:

2nd year, shot a jake at about 15 yards with my second shot after I missed him when he and his teacher were coming in. Greed ruined that hunt, tried to split thier heads and got neither. The bird that hit the air, hit the ground soon after my second shot, like a dead dove. I didn't even bother to reload. When I walked up to him, he got up and hauled arse down a motorcycle trail, bankin' with the turns. It was not a pretty sight seein' me chase that jake tryin to get shells outta my pocket, break open a 10 gauge double and reload. Needless to say, that bird won the race.

4th year: Had three merriams, who'd just finished a raucious gobbler battle, turn and fan out at the sound of a loud cluck a hen made when she spotted me. Three tails side by side at maybe 30-40 yards. I picked out one, shot and turkeys went everywhere. One longbeard was in the air at 8 yards right smack dab in front of my barrel. I shot, he flew. Double barrel ten almost got slung off an 8000 ft mountain. I was sick. Dropped the gun and picked up a big arse rock and slung it instead. Even though I came down that mountain birdless, that hunt was one of my favorites of all time. I can still see those huge merriams all fanned out tail to tail.

5th year - 15 year: I gave up and never even tried shootin' at flying birds

16th year: Had two struttin' toms coming in at 30 yards. Picked one out and boom, turkeys went everywhere. One flew right for me, shot at him, kept flying. Saw another gobbler take for the air and didn't even bother. I was so dang mad I slammed that gun across my lap and started cuttin' on my diaphram ( I was really cussin'). When that last tom to take to the air heard it, he came right back down. I was shootin' a Rem SP 10 then, three shots. When he hit the ground and went into strut, I turned and let him have the last shot. Dead bird. Good hunt tongue.gif

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