3 hogs 2-12-06

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Good friend Regi and I had to move some of our deer hunting gear this evening to another place we plan to hunt next season. Of course we carried our guns ,just in case we got a chance to shoot some hogs.we decided to move through some grown up fields that haven't been grazed or plowed in years! the weeds are twice as tall as me { no wise cracks} ,I stayed up on an old terrace designed to stop flooding ,regi stayed down low. Not long after we started I busted some hogs but couldn't get off a shot because they were headed towards Regi.I yelled here they come and saw one almost to him before he shot it twice with his AR15.I immediately busted another one out the other side and was able to get off a quartering away shot with my ruger .243, the 100 gr core lokt found it's mark, she kept going,but I picked up a good trail right away and found it about 60 yards out in the grass! I went back to the terrace and started again ,right away I busted some small pigs ,but couldn't get a shot.So I kept going and saw another one running through the grass,he was almost the same color as the grass ,but he made the mistake of stopping long enough for me to pick out one of his black spots! he didn't go far!

my two weighed 75 and 130 pounds.


Regi's weighed 120 pounds! there were lots of pigs in there and we plan to hit them again soon!


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Re: 3 hogs 2-12-06

it's leagel to kill anything you want in Texas with any center fire! including an AR! ain't Texas good!

like I said we really weren't planning to hog hunt ,but here's the deal Regi doesn't go anywhere without his AR and a hand gun or two! I think he is a close realative of Rambo! LOL

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