Lost a good one due to cheap remington ammo

Guest mastinson

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Guest mastinson

I lost a nice deer due to cheep **** corelokts today, pulled the trigger and gun went snap. Just as I was about to wrap my new ruger around a tree I decided to look at the cartridge, good thing I didnt hit that tree. The primer on the cartridge was setting way to far in. The primer was just barely struck by the firing pin. Guys I have been a Remington fan for years but never again will I buy their cheap shells for anything serious like hunting.

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Re: Lost a good one due to cheap remington ammo

Been shooting core lokts for several years, and (knock on wood) have yet to ever have any problems with them and have killed probably 15 or so deer with 150 grain core lokts out of my .270.

The only deer I have ever lost with a rifle was with a winchester power point plus 130 grainer. I had switched to them for a couple seasons after someone told me how much better they were for deer, after losing that one, I had to switch back to the core lokts.

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Re: Lost a good one due to cheap remington ammo

The quality control that is mandated to prevent lawsuits from a misfired bullet has to be gigantic. So don't blame Remington completely. Last year I spent $21 for a box of 30-30 rifle shells and got one bad shell. I sent it to them and they were grateful. They will use it to prevent it from happening again. You should do the same.

I'm sure you will get a chance to shoot at another nice buck one day.


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Re: Lost a good one due to cheap remington ammo


The primer was just barely struck by the firing pin. Guys I have been a Remington fan for years but never again will I buy their cheap shells for anything serious like hunting.

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After reading what you wrote, I'd have wrapped the Ruger around the tree. From what your explaining, the firing pin of the Ruger did not strike the primer hard enough to cause it to fire. This sounds like one of two possible causes.

1. Excessive head space in the chamber...

2. Firing pin problem...

I don't think it sounds anything like a problem with the cartridge. I have shot literally several hundred rounds of Remington Corelokts over the years and have never had a misfire. I'd check that Ruger before switching ammo.

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Re: Lost a good one due to cheap remington ammo

i shoot core lock remingtons bullets and i have had the same thing happen to me years ago went to winchester and the bullet would tumble in my rifle... so back to core locks for me .....to each his own... and like an earlier reply ...it's not the bullet it was the primer... sorry that you lost your shot tho....

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Re: Lost a good one due to cheap remington ammo


I sent it to them and they were grateful. They will use it to prevent it from happening again. You should do the same.

I'm sure you will get a chance to shoot at another nice buck one day.


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you sent them a misfire back in the mail???? or did you take it to the store???

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Re: Lost a good one due to cheap remington ammo

Core lokts, either 150 or 180 grain (i think 180) work great in my 7mm rem Mag. Could have been a deep seated primer or a weak firing pin.

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Re: Lost a good one due to cheap remington ammo


Could have been a deep seated primer or a weak firing pin.

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But I feel this might be more the guns fault not the ammo!

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I still think its the firearm. I am a ruger fan also, but it certainly does not sound like the ammo's fault if the primer was not dimpled enough. I mean how much father would the primer need to be in to cause a misfire? I would think a considerable amount. If it doesn't appear to be different, I'd say deifinitely the rifle.

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Re: Lost a good one due to cheap remington ammo

I shoot Federal Premiums. You should try something that I do. Every box of ammo I get, no matter if it's centerfire, shotgun or rimfire, I check every cartridge. One on my .30-06 cartridges didn't have a primer in it. I contacted Federal and they sent me a free box, no questions asked.

The moral of the story is to check all your ammo as soon as you get it and something like that won't happen.

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Guest mastinson

Re: Lost a good one due to cheap remington ammo

Contacted remmington and they say it is possible it could be the cartridge wink.gif I need to find it and send it to them. So yes you guys that can't see how it was the cartridge, it is possibel. If you would have seen it you would believe me smirk.gif

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Re: Lost a good one due to cheap remington ammo

Another positive vote on using Remington ammo. Never used anything but in my entire family for 4 generations of hunters.

All our guns are Remintons toos and we have never had this problen.

I can see how it would of really sucked being on a big deer.

You have my sympathies on that...

I got to agree with GW, may should of inspected your ammo better.

I know I do but more so the bullet tips to make sure they did not get deformed or damaged.

I switch to a poly tip because I got sick of deformed lead tips on the NP's. But it was my fault not Remingtons...

Good Luck next time!

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