30-30 or 30/06 or 270

Guest Finn

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I'd recommend either the 270 or 30-06. In Kansas, I'm guessing you'll have longer shots than I do in Northern Wis, which rarely are over 100 yards. If you only have shots within 100-150 yards, go with the 30-30. It's probably killed more deer over time than any caliber.

Check out the ammunition ballistics at www.remington.com and see the differences.

I'm left handed and shoot a Browning A-bolt 270. wink.gif

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Re: 30-30 or 30/06 or 270

The 270 or '06 will give you a lot more versatility. Buy whatever rifle you find that fits you well, then get the best possible scope you can afford. My personal favorite is an old Savage stainless in 7 Rem Mag that I gave $225 for, then I topped it with a good Leupold scope that cost over twice as much. Shoots great.

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Re: 30-30 or 30/06 or 270

I own a Marlin 30-30 lever gun. It is my primary weapon here in the Adirondaks. Shot a buck with it last Sunday at 30 yards. But where I hunt is thick timber and I rarely get a shot over 100 yards. 5 years ago someone jumped a monster B&C buck on the other side of the valley I hunt. I scoped him when he stopped broadside. Then I watched him walk off. He was about 250-300 yards away and I didn't dare take that shot with the 30-30. From what I see on TV you should have a nice long range gun like a 30-06.


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Re: 30-30 or 30/06 or 270

I would shy away from the 30-30. Great brush gun no doubt, but a .270 or an 06 will do anything the 30 30 will do and then some. The .270 and 06 are very comparable in performance, difference is the 06 is more versatile offering considerably more options in different factory ammo available.

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Re: 30-30 or 30/06 or 270

I shoot a Marlin 30-30 in the woods all the time. If you have any long shots, I would go with the 270.

Check out winchester.com for balistics. With the right bullet, the 270 out-performs the 30-06. Also the bullet selection is about the same as the 06 if not better. If you don't plan on going to Africa for elephant hunting, the 270 is enough.

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Re: 30-30 or 30/06 or 270


Check out winchester.com for balistics. With the right bullet, the 270 out-performs the 30-06. Also the bullet selection is about the same as the 06 if not better.

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When did that change? confused.gif

Ive always been told (and read) that the 30-06 has far more different rounds then any other cartridge!? Not to mention, if you read the chart that AJ ran on different rounds you'll see that the .270 and the .30-06 are neck to neck at over 275 yards....

and thats with the .270 pushing 130grn and the 30-06 pushing 165 grain which makes sense to me that if they were pushing the same grain the 30-06 would outperform the .270 because of simple cartridge length and the amount of powder.....

Either will easily get the job done but the .270 has no clear/ better differences then the 30-06.

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Re: 30-30 or 30/06 or 270

Cartridge Comparisons according to Remington.com

(Here's a link to the cartridge choices that Remington Offers for each) Ammo List

This comparison was done using a standard Soft Point Core-Lokt (as per their site)

30-30 Win. (3) cartridges choices


270 Win. (9) cartridges choices


30-06 Springfield (18) cartridge choices

Here are the results

All information will be taken at the 300 yard mark because in real life few will shoot beyond that distance.


1303 ft/sec

565 ft/lb of energy (Its often said that 1,000 ft/lb is required to dispatch a deer properly, the 30-30 still has significantly less at 200yds *858ft/lbs*) In fact the 30-30 only chimes in at 1296 in 100 yards.

In 300 yards the 30-30 drops 24 inches when sighted in 1.6" high at 100 yards.


(at 300yds) 2259 ft/sec

1472 ft/lbs of energy

-7 inches of fall when sighted in at 1.5" high at 100 yards.


2047 ft/sec

1534 ft/lbs of energy

-8.7 inches of fall when sighted 2" high at 100 yards.

The 30-30 is no longer in the pic after 100 yards but the other two are still neck and neck. The .270 is a little faster because it is pushing a lighter projectile but for that it looses 62 ft/lbs of energy. At 300 yards the two rifles are within roughly 2" of each other.

I hope this helps to eliminate the 30-30. Its honestly killed as many deer as any other cartridge out there but its very much lacking in todays whitetail rifles. Its a great old standby but much like mine, its better left in the gun cabinet unless your shooting 100 yards and under.

Do yourself a favor, stick with a better load such as the .270, .280, .308, .30-06, etc. I would personally chose the .30-06. The ammo choices are far more and as other have said, you can find a box of ammo anytime you need it. Let us know what you do!


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Re: 30-30 or 30/06 or 270

Go with the .30-06. You can't beat it. I have a Savage .30-06 and a Winchester model 94 .30-30. The .30-30 isn't effective past (here it goes) 125 yards. the .30-06 is great out to 300 or beyond if you practice it.

I shot 3 deer in MN this year. two with the .30-30 and one with the 30-06. All three deer died, for sure. However, when we hunted an open field, I didn't even hesitate when choosing between the two guns. the 30-06 is by no comparison the better gun for versatility.

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Re: 30-30 or 30/06 or 270

Jeramie is right on this one. The .270 and 06 are very close in performance with the .270 having just a little better trajectory and a little higher velocity, but the 06 does offer considerably more choices in factory loads.

Only advantage to the .270 really that I see other than shooting slightly flatter, is that it might have just a little less recoil.

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Re: 30-30 or 30/06 or 270

Seeing your in Kansas, I would opt for the .270 or the 06, probably would get the 06. The 30/30 is a great gun, but does not have the range. If you want a lever gun, go with a Savage or BLR in a longer range cartridge. I own all three of the choices, and would keep the 06 and sell the other two first.

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Re: 30-30 or 30/06 or 270

Rhino has it right. As far as comparing .270 to 30.06, a lot is personal preference (I personally would avoid the 30-30 if you would ever consider taking a shot beyond 200 yards) Don't get me wrong, it is the all time undisputed deer slayer, but long shots...just wouldn't want to risk it. If you are only planning on whitetail consider the 270 or a 6mm as they tend to be slightly flatter and faster than the .06... also the load selection for 130grain to 160 grain ammo is much wider. If you are thinking larger game you might want to go w/ the .06. Browning a-bolt in left hand for me, but anymore, all of the gun companies are pretty tight. Personal preference and budget (whatever works for you).

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Re: 30-30 or 30/06 or 270


I own a Marlin 30-30 lever gun. It is my primary weapon here in the Adirondaks. Shot a buck with it last Sunday at 30 yards. But where I hunt is thick timber and I rarely get a shot over 100 yards. 5 years ago someone jumped a monster B&C buck on the other side of the valley I hunt. I scoped him when he stopped broadside. Then I watched him walk off. He was about 250-300 yards away and I didn't dare take that shot with the 30-30. From what I see on TV you should have a nice long range gun like a 30-06.


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I concur with my fellow NY Hunter....longer distance shots go with the 30-06

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Re: 30-30 or 30/06 or 270

I bought a 7mm rem mag about 3 years ago. I hunt pretty brushy stuff and it does the job close up but I live in Oklahoma and if I ever get a chance to go to Western Oklahoma I wanted 1 gun that could do it all. If ammo price is a concern go with the 30-06. The ammo is quite a bit cheaper. I based my decision on the charts on the remington website. Good luck. Greg

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