Knaus sent home (Suspended)


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Well the cheater got what he deserved, he was always able to get out of it some way in the past for his cheating antics, NASCAR finally stepped up to the plate and realized his cheating is finally blatant enough to be sent home!! If they would have let him slide on this one the garage would have been in an uproar!

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Guest deldeer

Re: Knaus sent home (Suspended)


Slap on wrist.....Park the car for the 500 PERIOD. They DQed out of qualifying.....PARK IT

[/ QUOTE ] ....ummm nope.... they qaul. on thurs. in the twins.....i don't agree with the way chad does things, and i think it will be a matter of time before rick tells him enough is enough, and i don't think the driver should be parked for something that that a knucklehead crewchief does.......not fair to the driver, or the sponsorers....

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Re: Knaus sent home (Suspended)


I have a feeling it may be more than Daytona. When they suspended Berrier last year, I think the first announcement was he was banned for that one race and then NASCAR tacked the rest of it on the following week.

It should be more than one race. He has quite the record of infractions.

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Just what I was going to say! Todd Berrier got caught cheating and was suspended for four races. Chad has cheated THREE times and one was a win for sure, but now he finally gets a ONE race only suspension. But I have also heard there might be more to come.

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Re: Knaus sent home (Suspended)



Slap on wrist.....Park the car for the 500 PERIOD. They DQed out of qualifying.....PARK IT

[/ QUOTE ] ....ummm nope.... they qaul. on thurs. in the twins.....i don't agree with the way chad does things, and i think it will be a matter of time before rick tells him enough is enough, and i don't think the driver should be parked for something that that a knucklehead crewchief does.......not fair to the driver, or the sponsorers....

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I have to disagree, I work on a race team, the driver is aware of what goes into that car, crew chiefs and drivers talk all the time, its that chemistry that makes them better and its the understanding of each other that can make the car faster. Our driver gives us feedback and what he wants to try and we do it and tell him what we do. Chad had to tell Jimmy what he was going to try and he probably asked Jimmy how it felt that way. You just don't do things like Chad did to the car and not tell the driver, you can't surprise a driver with a change like that, the speeds are way to fast for doing the unexpected to your driver. You give them a heads up on what to expect and if they like it. I say suspend the whole team, all part of a cheating team, win together celebrate together, cheat together, all go home together!!! smile.gif

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