Colorado Elk?


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Thinking about a DIY elk bowhunt. Looking for info on where to go in Colorado, where they have over the counter tags. I went out there in 98, on a DIY bowhunt. So I have an idea of what I need to bring and all that. Just wondering about different areas. I hunted south of Eagle last time, didn't see alot of Elk only a few.

Any info or tips please.



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Guest colohntr

Re: Colorado Elk?

I am from southwest colorado and all the units in my area are over the counter. I live in Cortez, near Durango. An arhcery season elk hunt is a good idea. I know of alot of places to find elk, so if you are interested in coming to this area just let me know and I will be glad to help in any way I can.

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Re: Colorado Elk?

Colohntr, do you hunt in the san juan national forest. I went bow hunting there last fall with Circle K ranch. Had a lot of fun but no luck. Drew back on a cow but I never got a good shot. Just wondering if you had any luck down there? Our outfitter said that kills were down last fall only a 10% success rate compared to 40% what archers normally get that hunt with him.

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Guest colohntr

Re: Colorado Elk?

Yes, most of our hunting is done in the San Juans. The success rate was down last year, the weather did'nt cooperate very well. As far as archery season went we were very successful. The first weekend out of 9 deer tags in camp we filled 7 all bucks. My son took a real ice one. For elk we tags for alot of different seasons. I missed a 6 point bull during muzzleloader season. I'll post some pics of our deer.

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Re: Colorado Elk?

Thank you for the offer. I will check into that area. I just started looking around at different areas. The only hard part is that I can't really plan anything until June or July. I have to wait and see if I draw an Iowa deer tag. If I draw for Iowa then I won't be able to get out to Colorado this year.

I will keep you in mind.

Thanks again.


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Re: Colorado Elk?

The "white river national forest" has alot of country that has over the counter tags. Also, you can draw a mule deer tag easily. Iv'e never really hunted elk here but heard there are some good places to go. Post a question on where to go here and you can get some help. I usually go to the "uncompharage plataue". Some areas are over the counter, but your best bet would to gat a preference point this year and try for a limited zone in this area.

good luck--rossman

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