Scope Shades?


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I finally made it out to shoot my new .243 yesterday. I set up at 50yds and hammered the paper. Everything was pretty good so I feel back to 100yds. I was shooting in an 18mph cross wind (I couldnt wait any longer) but I was still shooting inside of a 6" circle with a bipod, seated.

I was feeling pretty brave so I put up a new target and shot 9 more rounds. The first three were inside of 8", the next three were inside of 6", and the last three...... One cliped the 3" mark. The next was just outside the 2", and the last nailed the 1" ring! Ive never shot more then a single shot at that range! I was stoked.

The only problem I noticed was that the 50mm lense really collected a lot of sun. Is there a good aftermarket hood anyone uses? Im shooting a Redhead scope. It was dead accurate but again the glare was a bit much. I will be taking 200yd shots on yotes so I figured I better rule out any chance to miss other than human error.

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Re: Scope Shades?

They have one for $100. It is a 6x18x50mm. That thing is CLEAR for that cheap of a scope. I held up a BSA and then looked through the redhead and it was like daylight to dark.

My boss only shoots high end scopes and he looked through mine yesterday. I didnt prompt him at all and he said, "Man that scope is clear." Its about the best deal on a scope ive ever gotten. I would definately recommend it.

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