True but nasty!!!


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We had a QDMA seminar last night and we had a deer biologist come and speak. I learned a few things and one of them I had to share.

Did you know that a mother will lick a fawns genitles for the first month or so of the deers life because the fawn can not urinate or deficate by themselves and as she is licking the fawn she eats their waste....... Yuck. The funny part is the biologist turned to a lady in the crowd and said now how good of a mother were you to your kids, and everybody got a good chuckle.

I just had to share that with you guys when I heard that.

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Re: True but nasty!!!

Yep, I knew that. That's just nature for you. Not any more gross than what bucks do to their tarsel glands and rub them on their foreheads.

As you said for about the 1st month or so the doe must groom and lick the "baby bottoms" to stimulate urination and defecation. Many well-meaning people that don't know this and find lone young fawns and take them home have had those fawns die from ruptured bladders. These well-meaning people who have no idea that this stimulation is necessary for normal bladder and bowel function. Pass the word to leave fawns in the woods! wink.gif

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Re: True but nasty!!!


Yep, I knew that. That's just nature for you. Not any more gross than what bucks do to their tarsel glands and rub them on their foreheads.

As you said for about the 1st month or so the doe must groom and lick the "baby bottoms" to stimulate urination and defecation. Many well-meaning people that don't know this and find lone young fawns and take them home have had those fawns die from ruptured bladders. These well-meaning people who have no idea that this stimulation is necessary for normal bladder and bowel function. Pass the word to leave fawns in the woods! wink.gif

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Unless, of course......they wanna pick up where Mama left off. crazy.gifgrin.gifgrin.giftongue.gif

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Re: True but nasty!!!



Yep, I knew that. That's just nature for you. Not any more gross than what bucks do to their tarsel glands and rub them on their foreheads.

As you said for about the 1st month or so the doe must groom and lick the "baby bottoms" to stimulate urination and defecation. Many well-meaning people that don't know this and find lone young fawns and take them home have had those fawns die from ruptured bladders. These well-meaning people who have no idea that this stimulation is necessary for normal bladder and bowel function. Pass the word to leave fawns in the woods! wink.gif

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Unless, of course......they wanna pick up where Mama left off. crazy.gifgrin.gifgrin.giftongue.gif

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I'm not a teacher HG, I'm a student of whitetail deer habits. Any teachers out there? crazy.giftongue.gifshocked.gif

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