The week before break....


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Is such a pain in the butt,lol. Does anyone else in college ever have tests and papers due before they can go on break? I have a week long spring break starting Friday(woohoo) but I have to get a bunch of reading doen that is on reserve in the library, a paper on Performance Enhancing Substances due Thursday, a test on Thursday, and a few small papers due after break. Whew.....I'm hoping to weather gets nice so I can do some squirrel and shed hunting though for several days! grin.gif

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Re: The week before break....

This is my last week of school until November. I'm in a GM Automotive Apprenticeship program. This last week is gonna be hectic! I wrote a manual transmissions and clutches test today, I scored 89% on it... grin.gif Then I have my final Engines test on Wednesday, Final Driveline test on Thursday, then my Ministry Exam on Friday... crazy.gif

But then it's back to work at the dealership on Monday, so at least I have something to look forward to.... wink.gifcool.gifgrin.gif

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Re: The week before break....


Is such a pain in the butt,lol. Does anyone else in college ever have tests and papers due before they can go on break? I have a week long spring break starting Friday(woohoo) but I have to get a bunch of reading doen that is on reserve in the library, a paper on Performance Enhancing Substances due Thursday, a test on Thursday, and a few small papers due after break. Whew.....I'm hoping to weather gets nice so I can do some squirrel and shed hunting though for several days! grin.gif

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Nope, done with that and just paid my last student loan payment.

Not to rain on your parade but I have tests every day on unfamiliar subjects and I get two, one-week breaks a YEAR. Weekends and nights are spent taking care of kids and doing chores/ work around the house. Spring and Summer are my busiest times of the year when after 8+ hours at work and 2+ on the road throughout the day, I get to spend three or four more just keeping up with the new projects and chores around the house.....not even getting to the non-prioritized ones. All this so that I can fight with the Mrs. New about how, in fact, deer hunting therapy equates to couples therapy. Each semester of the year brings particularly new and unexpected tests and challenges. Fortunately, when the degee program is over, you are DEAD. laugh.gif

All that to say, enjoy these will wish they were back in about 10 years. wink.gif


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