Experienced Trophy Hunters..... Whats your opinion

Guest ExtremeSoloDubV

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Guest ExtremeSoloDubV

Well I am from West Virginia and our rifle season comes in on Monday. I want everyones opinion on which stand to hunt.........

First, heres some background. We own 350 acres of land that is bordered by a public hunting area that is hunted pretty heavily on the first few days of rifle season. The land is hilly with thick cover all around it. Very nice land for hunting. The area has nice bucks on it, I have see 2 myself in bow season. Now here are the stand choices..

Stand 1.... A stand I have hunted for 5 years now that overlooks a giant T shaped field. There is thick cover all around the field and behind me is nice woods that is the public hunting. The land is so thick and hilly on the public hunting side that the hunters over there drive all the deer to our side b/c its hard to stalk a deer on land that is thick and very up ad down. The deer tend to run to our side and down into our "sanctuary" located next to the lower part of the field. YOu see a lot of deer from this stand but I feel that the big one won't go through the field. I have killed a 8 pt the past 5 years from this stand however (knock on wood)!!

Stand 2...... This is a set up on a hillside that has 2 benches. IT is kind of a backdoor route or escape route for the deer. There is thick cover all along the hill side and then opens up into an open hillside. I think this stand would be a good choice b/c of the pressure coming from the public land would force the mature buck to try and escape by taking a backdoor route. This route also leads into our "sanctuary" that no one hunts and is about 3 acres.

Stand 3. ..... This stand is located on the top of the highest point on our farm. Every year it seems that all the big bucks head to this high point. It is a high ridge with 3 points coming off of it. I am thinking about setting up at the end the point so I could see every deer that comes onto the ridgeand also it would overlook a new food plot just planted this fall.

So what do you all think I should do??? Help me out. I am leaning towards 2 or 3 in the morning then heading to the field in the evening.

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Re: Experienced Trophy Hunters..... Whats your opinion

Decisions, decisions. They all sound pretty promising to me. Would say I would hunt whichever one where the wind would most likely be in my favor. I have a hard time deciding where I will hunt and often times second guess even after I get up in the stand.

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Guest deldeer

Re: Experienced Trophy Hunters..... Whats your opinion

go with your gut.(it won't let you down). imo, i would go with #1, after all you shot an 8pt. out of it. or go with #3 if you can get in there without spooking them to bad. but im not much on new fields, i like to give em a good year to get use to it......good luck!!!

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Re: Experienced Trophy Hunters..... Whats your opinion

I'm a ridge man... it seams (where I hunt in WI) that the mature buck both like to work the ridges for does, and they like to bed on the ridges to spot any threat... You might have to wait a little longer to get your deer, but if you can get in and wait it out, you might like number 3

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