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Re: knifes

Because we have to transport our birds across borders, when we field dress them we either pluck and gut, or breast them depending on the bird and how we intend to cook it.

We have to leave one fully feathered wing until we get home. Game shears are the only way to go! Peal back the skin from the breast and then cut it out with the game shears leaving the one wing attached. We freeze them like this in ziplock bags with the one wing hanging out so the game warden can readily count and indentify them when we cross through the border and declare our birds.

At home we snip off the wings, seal up the bags and drop them back in the freezer.

As far as getting the meat off the breast plate at prep time, just like others have said...fillet knives work the best.

I have four fish fillet knives that I keep in the kitchen just for meat work. I like the longer bladed filet knives because I can finesse them better, but even a 4" blade works great.

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