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It's probably a good thing that they didn't have any XD 40s at the gun show last weekend. Today, I stopped by a local gun store today and have been reading posts here and on http://www.packing.org and http://www.hs2000talk.com. I had decided on the 4" service model for the extra round capacity, improved accuracy, and my concern about the smaller grip resulting in the loss of the pinky when not using an extended mag. This would be my first "real" semi-auto (I carry a Raven 25 auto). I would carry the XD daily concealed using it for personal protection and range shooting.

I handled both the service and SC at the gun store. I tried the service inside my waistband at about 4-5 o'clock and felt like it would definitely print and be more difficult to conceal than I originally expected. After handling the SC for the first time with the extended mag which felt much better than having my pinky just hanging out. So now I'm seriously considering the SC. My thinking is that I would carry it concealed with the normal mag inserted. I would carry the extended mag as a backup as well as the primary at the range.

Thoughts? Am I off base? Am I thinking/worrying about this TOO much?

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Guest Clay008

Re: Waffling...

I think you have a good point Harvdog. The SC is going to be easier to conceal and with the extended mag your pinky will not hang off the bottom. So it solves both problems more concealable and all your fingers will be able to grip the gun.

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Re: Waffling...

In a self defense act, you are not going to be worried about where your pinky is. It's going to be very close range. The enhanced accuracy will paobably only be noticed at the range while practicing. Then you can use the extended mag.

Concealing handguns is not that big of a problem for guys our size. I have a Smith 640 with 2 finger boot grip that works just fine or a 1911 that can be hidden very easily.

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Guest andymansavage

Re: Waffling...

I bought the Pearce grip extention for my SC. It doesn't change the magazine capacity, but it does give the pinkey a place to rest withought changing the easy concealment size of the gun. If you are going to shoot in competitions, go with the 4". If you think that 9 or 10 rounds is not enough for defense, go with the 4". My vote is the SC with the grip extention.



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Re: Waffling...

well, having shot the 3" and the 4" both, i can honestly say that my group size was better with the 4". but, that is at a stationary target, not moving, not shooting back, etc, etc.

i really don't think you're going to have that big of a difference in a self defense situation when it comes to accuracy. more importantly, i would say you need a gun that wether it be at the range or as a carry gun, you have to feel comfortable with it and have confidence in the way you shoot it. if you can shoot the 4" better and feel better about your ability to defend yourself with that gun, then you should be carrying that gun.

don't worry too much about printing, with all the leathermans, flashlights and cell phones that people have, most people don't give it a second thought if they even notice it in the first place

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