Scent question????????


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I have a scent suit and usually wash the outside in baking soda and then spray with scent eliminating spray before I go in to the stand. I wear rubber boots and a facemask while on the stand. My problem is that deer still smell something when downwind of me. They are not stomping ther foot and blowing but the are just not comfortable coming in from the downwind side of things.

Tonight I had a doe come and stand right under the stand from right where I had walked in, but she did it with much caution. I had 2 different bucks slip in on the downwind side of me and they would simply stop and walk away. There was no sign of urgency to their retreat, just that they were not going to come my way.

Now I din't know if the suit is working to cover my human oder hense they are not blowing and running and they are smelling the cover spray? I think I will wash them again and just hang them outside and hope nobody burns leaves or something while I am at work.

Anybody have any idea's or suggestions? confused.gif

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Re: Scent question????????

do you spray your bow/ what are you using for spray do you have pads on your boots for scent do you use a climber, or ladder stand how soon before you go into the stand do you spray down; do you smoke in your car if Im asking too many questions sorry just will help you figure out your issue....

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Re: Scent question????????

No I don't spray the bow down, never thoght about it! I am using H.S. Scents Scent-A-Way human scent neutralizer. I don't smoke and nobody smokes in my truck, Questions and answers are what I am looking for. I shower but do not use a scent free soap I use Zest but try to usr the spray to cover any exposed skin or hair.

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Re: Scent question????????

zest is a deodorant soap I would de start there .... spray the bow with HSscent spray and your self right befre you walk into the stand right at the truck if your rubber boots are new ould be the new rubber smell spray everything with that HS spray right before you go into the stand only need too do it once a week it last for over a week I do it ever 3 or 4 days just too be sure .... whenyou get into the stand spray around you again that pray is a neutralizer of sorts me and my buddy use that pray by the gallon every year lol we have never ever been winded in our stnd and we have a buddy stand that we have sat in together on 60 degree days .... trying too film hunts ... in case anyone was wondering we just spray everything down when we get in the stand .... also try HS scent wafers but dont store the scent lok clothes withthe wafers still on them it will ruin the scent lock the carbon will absorb the wafer smell rendering your suit worthless.... thats another thing how old is your carbon suit have you rejuved it with the clothing wash Good luck and hope some of these things help

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Re: Scent question????????

I do spray down before I leave the truck but I will try spraying the bow down. I am washing the suit down as we speak in the detergent from the company but I was told to just reheat the carbon and not wash it unless ot got dirty or got blood on it. The suit was purchased last year. Do you think the carbon needs washed?

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Re: Scent question????????

Why in gods green earth would you put baking soda on your suit? Reactivate that sucker in the dryer. Don't put baking soda on it. I really think if you would use a scent free bath soap, even on your hair then you would probably solve most of your problem. Wash a towel in the scent free stuff and use it after your shower. Good luck and let us know how it turns out. Best of luck, Greg

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Guest antlers21

Re: Scent question????????

I was told by a guide I went with that he recommended not using cover scent on scent lock suits. He said to just dry it when needed, I dont know how high you are but maybe you are too low to the ground. Also the scent lock suits do not make you scent free, they help but are not even close to 100% scent free. Look into how you prepare before you go hunting, you should shower with scent free soap and shampoo before every hunt. Watch your hands before you go.

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Re: Scent question????????

I may be wrong, but I would think using baking soda on a carbon suit would clog up the pores that adsorb the scent.

Never tried any type of carbon suits, just use scent away or a comparable body soap and use scent away doederant. Keep my clothes in a plastic tote with cedar limbs and the deer will come in on my downwind side and do not usually catch my wind.

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Re: Scent question????????

I spent a couple of weeks recently hunting with some "Scent Freaks". Before each hunt they showered with whatever their regular soap/shampoo was. None used scent free. Then as exiting the shower they used a Hawgs Synthetic product called Vanishing Hunter. They didn't dress till they exited the truck near their stands and then they all chose at least a double layer of Scent Lock clothing. I used the Vanishing Hunter stuff as well but without the Scent Lock suit and had what I thought was remarkable success with deer all day long around me including upwind, downwind, and cross wind. They never knew I was there.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest KSNimrod

Re: Scent question????????

Smoke cigarettes in your stand. Make a scent drag with a gasoline soaked rag. Store your clothes in a bag from McDonalds. The deer will think you're a harmless city kid and will come to take a peek! LOL Sounds like the guys are all giving you good advice. Good luck and be sure to post the pictures when you get him!

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Guest huntinsanobsession

Re: Scent question????????


are you making fun of me that is what i do. jk. lol

i try realy hard to cover my scent but i never know if i have done good job

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Re: Scent question????????

1st get rid of the Zest and go to Ivory if you do not want to use a Scent away bath soap and shampoo. Ivory is basiclly 99% scent free. I use it in my hair and on the body before a hunt.

2nd, powder yourself with the baking soda not the outside of your suit. You will add scent absorbtion this way but it will not "clean" your suit.

Letting it get rained on and then air drying out side will get rid of most indoor smell. Drying in your dryer it will too but will not reactivate a carbon suit no matter what they say. A home dryer can not reach 1700*F which is what it take to reactive activated carbon. Of coarse 1700*F would burn up any material so the suits are not worth the money other then what camo they offer...

Its my belief in your case the deer are smelling your Zest even threw the suit.

Read this before you buy more scent lok or blocker.

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