Illinois Deer Classic This Weekend


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Well I have decided that even though he won't win any prizes I am going to take down my mount for other people to see.


It will get me a reduced entry fee and I always enjoy seeing the big deer when they are there so it is only fair to share what God put on the earth with others instead of trapped in my house lol.

I will post some pictures of some of the other monster deer as well as maybe I will get a picture taken with a few of the Celebraty hunters at the show.

I will bring him in Saturday morning if any of the members are going to be there and want to see him. It is sure to be a ball! grin.gifgrin.gif

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Guest adowns99

Re: Illinois Deer Classic This Weekend

kirk i'm going, but cant make it until sunday. you cant miss me, i'll be in the wheelchair. i am going to bring mine over to be scored so i'll let you know how that works out.

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Re: Illinois Deer Classic This Weekend

Kirk, that is an awesome deer. To come that close to B&C as either a typical or Non-Typical is amazing. Your mount will more than hold it's own with a lot of deer there. As far as not winning any prizes, you'll see it is going to take a Typical in the 190's and a non-Typical in the 250's to win best in show (or better). Remember, we are talking Illinois here! If you have never been, you'll be amazed at the mounts you are going to see. I'll be there Sunday with my Wife and Kids. grin.gif P.S. Your deer will be more than eligible for the Illinois Big Buck Recognition Program, and i believe for the B&C 3 year awards book. The standards are somewhat lower than the all time book. wink.gif

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Re: Illinois Deer Classic This Weekend

Well, I just returned home from the show. Pretty good time, but man was it ever crowded!! I think if a person plans on going again you need to go the first day on a friday to beat the crowd. Got a chance to see some great bucks including the Macoupin county non-typical, the Clark county giant, and the IL roadkill buck. I did also see your buck kirk, it sure is a nice one!

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