hevi Shot "dead hog"?

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Michelle and I hunted hogs this evening for a bit,we hit the normal areas first but didn't see any hogs.By now we were a good ways from the truck,so I told Michelle to go up to the hill and watch for any hogs coming across to go to the fields for the evening and I would go get the truck. I pulled up to the edge of the hill to wait for her to come back at dark.I could see she wasn't were I had told her to be ,she was down on the other side of the hill.About then I saw a large group of hogs coming over the hill right where I had told her to stand.I grabbed the 12 ga. which was loaded with Hevi Shot "dead coyote" it also has a red dot scope on it! I then head for a small stand of trees between them and where they were headed! I barely got there in time and it was getting darker by the second.A few small pigs filtered through but I couldn't see them through the scope because the dot was blinding me,so I turned it off and started looking for another hog close enough to shoot.Then I saw this big gray form moving across at about 40 yards,as soon as I could identify it as a hog ,I raised the gun and fired! hogs ran in every direction,except the one I shot at it was laying right there!

she weighed 180 pounds! My wife sure wasn't happy she didn't get to shoot at one!

I have been wanting to try the dead coyote load on hogs for some time now.I was kind of wanting to shoot a smaller hog in the head to try it out. The pattern was centered on the opposite shoulder from the one in the picture ,but if you look carefully you can tell the leg you see is jello, it was the exit side,but I think the damage was caused by the lower portion of the pattern rather than the shot exiting! I was very pleased with the performance of the load!


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