got a hog!!!

Guest adamc

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Well today me and my girlfriend decided we would try hog hunting. I went and picked her up and we hit the road about 4 P.M. It had been raining all day and still was when we got to the land we were hunting. We parked at the gate and she got her bow and i got my new handi rifle and we started walking the trail. I checked the wind about half way there and of course it is wrong and is still raining. At this point i'm starting to wonder if its worth even trying to find a hog. Well we decided to give it a shot anyway. So we keep walking the trail and came to a big curve in the trail that is about 150 yards from the blind we have set up. I ease around the curve and see 4 hogs standing about 15 yards in front of our blind.So i back up and tell my girlfriend that there are some hogs already out there. She thought i was just kidding so she went and looked and told me she wanted to shoot one. All she had was her bow and at 150 yards it was out of the question and with the wind blowing the wrong way i didn't want to chance getting closer and getting busted. She decided she wanted to shoot one with my .243 so i gave her the gun and she tried to get a good rest but she was so cold from being wet she couldn't hold steady and gave the gun back to me and told me to shoot one. So i sat on the ground and got a rest and picked out a nice sow and squeezed off the trigger. I saw it kick a little and run and i thought it was going to run forever. It turned out after i shot her she took 2 steps and fell over. It was a good trip even though we got soaked it was alot of fun.

I'll post pics as soon as i get them back.

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Re: got a hog!!!

Well guys i got my pics back but they turned out to dark!! I would put them on here but you can't see the hog at all. i scanned it and tried to brighten it up some but didn't have any luck. Sorry!!

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