Realtree Turkey Team #1


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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #1

If I go to Missouri..... April 24th to May 14..... Hear in the state of Indiana...... April 26 to May 14th.......

Going to try to get one with a bow again this year...its tough !.. grin.gif...... I will get a bird this year either way.... grin.gif.... been a long time I went without a bird 2 years in a row..........

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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #1

My niece got a jake on Saturday. My daughter had a chance at a big gobbler on Sunday but he caught her moving the gun around and took off. Later she had a couple come in behind her (she didn't know they were there) and again she was wiggling around and they took off. I'm sure she'll get better at being still.

Can't wait until April 24th. I'm still debating on whether to take the bow or shotgun for opening day. Good luck guys.

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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #1

In about 12 hrs I'll be sitting under my favorite Ponderosa Pine waiting for Mr. Tom. I've shot two birds under this tree so far and had numerous hens come by.

Wish me luck boys! I'd like to say I'll wait for the big Tom, but truthfully I have NOOOO problem shooting a dumb ol' Jake. Send some carma my way. I asked for some last weekend for the youth hunt and my girl bagged her first bird. In fact send me some BIG carma. The weather is bad and my calling is worse I need all the help I can get.

Congrats Willfish!!!

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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #1

Well i'm in....i almost forgot.....lets do it boys...!! my season starts 4/29 i'll be dropping the hammer.......I'm fired up....Honkers44

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Re: Realtree Turkey Team #1

Called in a BIG old gobbler, and his two buddies, yesterday but he came in behind me. So I get turned around enough to shoot, with my bow, and I think I misjudged the yardage and just shot over his back. Should have taken the shotgun. Went today and never saw or even heard a bird. Rain, windy, and cold.

My brother got a jake today though. His first turkey ever and he has hunted them for about fifteen years. He was very unlucky before today.

I'm taking a day off then probably back out Thursday.

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